Stavebniny profi Slezská, s.r.o.
Prodej: - stavební materiál - betonové výrobky - stavební nářadí - barvy - hutní materiál - komínové systémy.
Prodej: - stavební materiál - betonové výrobky - stavební nářadí - barvy - hutní materiál - komínové systémy.
Production, sale: - biofuels - wood pellets - briquettes. Biomass processing into heating pellets. Sales, assembly: - pellet boilers. Design, production, assembly: - all-season storage of biofuels.
Energetické poradenství. Energetický management. Poradenství: - v oblasti energeticky úsporných staveb, auditů, dotací, stavební fyziky a energetiky. Tvorba analýz, posudků a studií. Energetický audit. Průkaz energetické náročnosti budovy. Energetický štítek. Energetická analýza. Energetická studie. Energetická optimalizace.
VÚHŽ a.s. operates as a manufacturing and trading company that followed the activities of the former research institute. We focus all our activities in the field of special metallurgical production and supplies of automation technologies. Our products and services are also used in the engineering, energy and automotive industries. We focus on custom production and are constantly expanding our…
Saw. Production: - construction lumber - garden furniture made of raw wood - firewood. Services: - wood cutting (timber) - saw grinding - drying lumber - impregnation.
Distribution, divorce: - heat, heat - domestic hot water, hot water - cold drinking water, drinking water. Services: - cleaning of sewers, sewers - export of pits, pits.
Metal production, metal processing, metals, engineering production, mechanical locksmithing, mechanical locksmith work. Development, production, supply, sale: -shaped and reduced pipes (for furniture, tables, interiors, exteriors, railings etc.) -radially and longitudinally shaped tubes
Výroba, prodej a zpracování: - pěnový polystyrenu EPS - polystyreové drti.
CIREX CZ Ltd. (original trade name TATRAREX Precision Castings s.r.o.) was founded in 1993 as a joint venture of CIREX BV Almelo and Tatra Koprivnice, automobile factory. Production technology is based on the method of investment wax pattern. Technology was taken over from the parent company CIREX, which has more than 50-years´ application, development and innovatory know-how. Characteristic…
Exclusive representative of BLÜCHER A.S. (BLUCHER) for the Czech and Slovak Republics, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. Sales, wholesale, distribution: - stainless steel drainage systems - gutters - covers, cover plates, lid - stainless steel grates - stainless steel floor inlet slots - EuroDrain floor drains - floor drains for industry - stainless steel pipe systems…
The company SVARMETAL s.r.o. based in Skotnice near Nové Jičín and Příbor offers a wide range of tools and accessories not only for professionals but also for DIYers. The range certainly includes quality Kowax products, fasteners, technical gases, welding technology, welding machines and other welding supplies. Here you will find products of the Kovax brand, which mainly focuses on the…
LOŽISKO MORAVA - Godišová Vladimíra Fulnek. Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej: - valivá ložiska - gufera NBR, SI, VITON, FKM - klínové řemeny - šroubovací spony - těsnící kroužky (měď, hliník) - autobaterie, motobaterie - pračkové hadice zahradní, sací, olejové - lepidla, mazací tuky, oleje, autochemie, silikony, tmely
Městské lesy Fulnek: - správa a údržba lesů. Pila: - pořez dřeva - řezání kulatiny. Výroba, dřevovýroba, prodej: - řezivo, kulatina - dřevěné palety, obaly - krovy, střešní latě - stavební řezivo. Práce: - lesnické.
Zakázková výroba nábytku a bytových doplňků Hnilica Petr Jeseník nad Odrou. Výroba, dřevovýroba: - nábytek (masiv,lamino) - dětské pokoje - skříně, vestavěné skříně - postele, válendy - stoly, botníky, komody - kuchyně, kuchyňské linky - pergoly, zahradní domky, chatky - dveře interiérové, exteriérové, zárubně - schodiště Řemeslnické práce: - stolařské - truhlářské.
The company Arpex Morava s.r.o. provides comprehensive electrical and energy services. It focuses on wiring, local area network management and public lighting service. Not only for companies, but also for the general public, it offers installation, repair and service of energy distribution, fire alarm and energy distribution, including design and inspection of electrical installations. …
Sale: - wood - lumber - production of pallets - all construction lumber - slats, prisms, plates - dried carpentry lumber.
Production, assembly, tool shop, press shop: - pressing molds, molds for plastics for the automotive industry - tools and preparations - gauges - tools Work: - tooling (on machine tools) - milling - metal turning - round grinding - welding with a thermal mirror - pressing of plastics to the weight of 1 kg of molding on pressing machines (injection of plastics). …
Servis BAKAR - Karel Baron Oldřichovice. (areál Agrodružstva Třinec) Autoservis, autoopravna, servis, oprava: - nákladní automobily - stavební stroje, zemědělská technika, stavební technika - pneuservis (nákladní, osobní vozy) - měření emisí dieslových motorů. Mycí linka: - myčka osobních automobilů - vysokotlaké mytí spodků vozů. Oprava: - tachografy VEEDER-ROOT, KIENZLE …
Production and processing: - saw, wood, wood - construction lumber, roof, roofs (prisms, beams, laths, boards, beams) - carpentry lumber - fence boards - chopped firewood, wood - pallets. Road transport: - special transport of logs. Services: - grinding of saws, saws, cutters, cutters - drying of lumber, wood - chipping of branches, bark and trees. Sale: - lumber for…
S & S color s.r.o. Frýdek-Místek. Dům barev. Centrála firmy. Obchodní zastoupení: - TEKNOS, REMERS Velkoobchod, maloobchod, diskontní prodej, poradenství: - nátěrové hmoty, barvy, laky - barvy, laky MOTIP, BODY, BARVY LAKY PRAHA, ŠTORCH, HAMERITE, PRIMALEX, HET, AKZO, NOBEL aj. výrobci - protipožární barvy, nátěry - mořidla, lepidla, silikonové tmely, spreje, vypalovací …
ABC service, business company s.r.o. is a company from the Czech Republic and a member state of the European Union - it supplies fences, plastic fences, mesh, gates, wickets, outdoor fireplaces, tiles, paving, boulders and products made of artificial and natural stone. You will find functional and modern office furniture in our interior. We run an e-shop. We focus on wholesale and retail…
Production: -continuously cast semis -blooms, blocks, slabs, billets, flat-bottom railway rails, switch rails, tram rails, rails for mine and field tracks, rail brake bar -components, accessories for rail superstructure (rail bearing plates, sliding profiles, clamps, couplings -shaped iron, U, I profiles -equal-angle and unequal-angle iron -automatic steels -screw steel and chain…
The company is a power complex providing its customers with full spectrum of energies and energy services. It supplies Trinecke zelezarny (ironworks) and also further companies and municipal sphere of Trinec region. The environmental control system according to standards of line CSN EN ISO 14 000 is established in the company. Production, distribution, storage, control: -electric energy/…
Former name of the company - VÁLCOVNA TRUB TŽ, a.s. Ostrava. Production, sale: - seamless hot-rolled steel tubes, pipes - thick-walled, thick-walled - pipes - water, oil, steam, gas, energy - product pipelines - steel constructions - oil pipes - casing, oil pipe, line pipe.