The company EMTB Trade s.r.o. from the Czech Republic, which is a member state of the European Union, is engaged in the wholesale sale of solid fuels and provides large-scale road and rail transport of materials and goods throughout Europe. In our assortment you will find black and brown coal, coke, briquettes, biomass and other bulk materials and material that we are able to transport anywhere. …
Dodavatel levného zemního plynu pro domácnosti a maloodběr (firmy, instituce, úřady).
Distribuční společnost skupiny RWE. Distribuce: - zemní plyn.
Provozovna. Prodej: - řezivo - palivové dřevo. Sídlo firmy: - Lipka 78, Ostrava - Hošťálkovice
Dodávka, velkoobchod: - ocel - konstrukční ocel.
Těžba: - nerostné suroviny.
Dodávka: - svařované sítě do betonu - betonářská ocel - hutní materiál - stavební materiál.
Železářství. Prodej: - spojovací materiál - zahradní a ruční nářadí.
The company JANKŮ AUTOLAKY s.r.o. based in Ostrava focus on the sale and mixing of car paints, paints, car spray paints. They will also take care of filling sprays. To mix the correct color shades, a spectrometer is used to determine the color shade, which allows you to mix all shades of RAL, NCS, PANTONE and TRUCK. Services: - custom tinting - filling into sprays - consulting activity …
Production: - welded nets - fence systems (fences, mobile and fixed fencing) - concrete elements - anti-noise and decorative walls, Sitebox wall system - garden wire program to order - gabions - also atypical Sale: - metallurgical material: - profiles - concrete steel - sheet metal - wires in concrete or in coils
Sales, E-shop: - electric hand tools - compressors - air tools - welding technique - tools - gardening and masonry tools - assembly technique - anchoring technique - fasteners - abrasive material, abrasive - glues, sealants.
Prodej: - tuhá paliva - uhlí, koks, brikety.
Sale, wholesale, retail - solid fuel: - black coal - pulverized, sorted - brown coal - pulverized, sorted - coke - industrial, heating.
Production: - mixtures: - asphalt-for bituminous roads - special - type BBTM, SMA, PA Wholesale, sale: - Aggregates - crushed aggregate, asphalt
SILASFALT, s.r.o.-obalovna Šenov district Nový Jičín. Production: - mixtures: - asphalt-for bituminous roads - special-type BBTM, SMA, PA. Wholesale, sale: - Aggregates: - wrapped-ACO, ACL, ACP - crushed aggregate, asphalt. SILASFALT is a holder of the ISO 9002 quality certificate. The quality of input materials is under the control of NIEVELT Labor Praha spol.s r.o. and EUROVIA CS,…
SILASFALT, s.r.o.-obalovna Staré Město. Production: - mixtures: - asphalt-for bituminous roads - special-type BBTM, SMA, PA. Wholesale, sale: - Aggregates: - wrapped-ACO, ACL, ACP - crushed aggregate, asphalt. SILASFALT is a holder of the ISO 9002 quality certificate. The quality of input materials is under the control of laboratories and NIEVELT Labor Praha spol.s r.o. and…
Wholesale, retail trade, sale. Absorptive means: -hydrophobic absorptive means: -mats, pads -booms and pillows -strips, strip booms -absorbent wringing machine -hydrophobic peat loose absorbent PEATSORB -loose absorbent LITE-DRI, REOSORB -universal absorptive means: -mats, pads -mat TRAFFIC -socks, pillows -barrel top pads -mats, pads ELEFANT -loose absorbent LITE-DRI …
The company FERST - Vladimir Stas has operated on the market since 1994. Trading activity: -metallurgical materials -ingots, pipes, sectional steel -connecting materials -compensators, hoses. Production, assembly: -piping systems. Work: -welding -pipe system installation -monolithic concrete drilling -the other building operations. We provide surface finishing of steel…
Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej: - hutní materiál - plechy válcované za tepla - profily - jeřábové a důlní kolejnice - ocelové trubky, bloky, sochory - plochá ocel. Dělení materiálu, tvarové vypalování.