Raw materials, energetics and semifinished products

Energy takes care of the production and distribution of energy, such as gas, electricity and water. Depends on the sale of various raw materials, which may be natural or secondary. Use and sale of semi-finished products for the chemical, construction or engineering industry.

EKOTHERM, v.o.s.

Production, sale: -wood briquettes: -non polluting/smokeless fuel -available for all types of solid fuel stoves and boilers, made of pure sawdust without use of any binding agent -fuel efficiency 18-20 MJ/kg, i.e. about 40% more than brown coal/lignite -burning time 180-240 minutes, minimum residual ashes (up to 1%) -complying with DIN 51731, O NORM 7135 -packed in 10 kg PVC bags or…

LUCID, spol.s r.o.

Certified quality management system according to CSN EN ISO 9001:2001 and ENVIRONMENT according to CSN EN ISO 14001. PRODUCTION, SALE: 1. TECHNICAL PRODUCTS PRESSED FROM SHEET METAL: - production of metal semi-finished products for electrical, automobile and furniture industries - custom production of metal semi-finished products - metal parts for chandeliers and light fittings - brake…

TAXUS, s.r.o.

Production, engineering, turn-key supplies, erection, sale: - wooden lodges, bungalows, summer-houses, arbours - wood structures - shelters, also for cars - selling stands - fences, palisades, pergolas, screens - wood paving, flowerpots, composting equipment, wood-block pavement - hiking trails: - signposting for bicycles, cycle pathes - signposting correction, …

Karel Bakule - Parkett studio

Poradenství, renovace, kompletní dodávky, odborná montáž, instalace příslušenství po celé ČR: -plovoucí podlahy (laminátové, korkové, dřevěné i masivní) -sportovní podlahy -parkety, vlysy -barvy, laky, tmely, stěrky, lišty -sál, tělocvična Zastoupení výrobců podlah: -laminátové-ALLOC, FIBOLOC, PARADOR, PROFLOOR, PERGO, QUICK STEP-UNICLIC, SIMPLE LOC, HDM, Trafic line …

Autodoprava LANK, s.r.o.

Road transport: - domestic and international road transport - truck transport - truck transport - winter road maintenance, snow removal Sale, import, delivery: - sand, gravel, grit Earthworks: - excavations of utility networks - small and large-scale earthworks - establishment of buildings - landscaping - earth movement - construction of roads and parking lots …

UNITHERM, s.r.o.

Foundry-Machining Division: Aluminum alloy casting foundry using gravity sand casting and gravity and low pressure mold casting technologies. After casting the casting, operations such as cutting, grinding, blasting and other operations, such as machining, heat treatment, impregnation and semi-assembly, are carried out according to the customer's request. In cooperation, it is possible to…

IN-variant, s.r.o.

Our company IN-variant, s.r.o. based in the district of Jablonec nad Nisou specializes in industrial automation and robotics in the field of automotive. We focus primarily on the production and assembly of single-purpose equipment and structures, but also on the serial production and milling of plastic parts and semi-automatic equipment for in-process control during production. Our company relies…


- silicone processor PRODUCTION: - silicone molded parts - silicone profiles - silicone rubber products - silicone caps - sealing rings - masking preparations - stoppers, plugs, plugs - parts for medicine, biotechnological applications - parts for electrical engineering - parts for glasses, glasses seats, side ends, bridges - beam - glasses parts - glasses seat - page endings -…


Výroba, prodej, výzkum, vývoj: - produkty spotřební chemie - bezfosfátové ekologické: prací prášky FLORA, FLORAN, TEXY, LACON aviváže RŮŽE, KÁJA, FLORA - výrobky ECOLA na mytí nádobí, pro domácnost, s desinfekčním účinkem, WC čistič, vlasový šampon, tekuté mýdlo, sprchový gel - MYPA-mycí pasta na ruce - ekologické nátěrové hmoty, barvy se stabilizačním účinkem: disperzní nekorózní…

ABEGU a.s.

Consulting, expertise, tests, measurements: - energy - chemical industry Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): - interference immunity measurements and tests: - electrostatic discharge - transient - overvoltage and overcurrent wave - high-frequency transmitted through the line - voltage dips and outages - magnetic field - oscillatory waves - statistical measurements…


AUTOKLEMPÍRNA. AUTOSERVIS: - na všechny typy osobních i dodávkových aut - práce: - klempířské - lakýrnické (vlastní míchárna barev) - mechanické - elektrikářské DOVOZ: - ojeté vozy na objednávku PRODEJ: - autolaky R-M* (vlastní míchárna,stříkaný vzorkovník barev)


Veškeré elektroinstalace bytové i průmyslové včetně projekce i revize: -přípojky,rozvody,osvětlení -elektrikářské práce apod. Opravy,revize: -elektrické topení-kotle,přímotopy, podlahové. Přihlášky k odběru. Výpočty tepelných ztrát. Hromosvody: -opravy,montáž,revize. Výroba,prodej: -veškeré rozvaděče.