Raw materials, energetics and semifinished products

Energy takes care of the production and distribution of energy, such as gas, electricity and water. Depends on the sale of various raw materials, which may be natural or secondary. Use and sale of semi-finished products for the chemical, construction or engineering industry.

HEDVA, a.s.

HEDVA, a.s. is a traditional Czech manufacturer of technical, decorative and lining fabrics. Our product portfolio includes a wide range of fabrics with various finishes that can be used in health care, architecture and in the manufacture of sports equipment and apparel. We are based in Moravská Třebová. Our products, production: Technical fabrics, textiles:  - fabrics for healthcare  -…

BAUING - CZ, s.r.o. - palivové dřevo

The company BAUING - CZ, s.r.o. is engaged in the production and sale of firewood. In our assortment of firewood you will find beech, oak and also acacia. Our services also include the transport and composition of wood to a designated location. You can find our office at Bulhary - Na Číně, district of Břeclav. Production, sale: - firewood, firewood - Beech, Oak, Acacia - biofuels - bale…

TOBOS CZ, s.r.o.

Our company TOBOS CZ, s.r.o. performs repairs and regular service inspections of construction machinery, we also supply original spare parts and accessories for construction machinery. We operate road freight transport and transportation of bulk materials such as sand, gravel, gravel, aggregates, slag, soil, construction debris or agricultural products. We are able to mediate the purchase of…

Asociace energetických auditorů-energetických specialistů, z.s.

The Association of Energy Auditors-Energy Specialists was founded in 1997. It is an association of natural and legal persons, which brings together authorized persons - energy specialists for activities arising from Act No. 406/2000 Coll., On energy management, as amended. Specifically, it involves the elaboration of energy audits, assessments, the performance of boiler efficiency checks or…

PREMIX servis, spol. s r.o. - Prodejní sklad Morava

Suché maltové směsi, speciální malty a omítky pro sanaci zdiva a betonu - výroba a prodej. Poradenství při výběru vhodného technického řešení, zakázková výroba maltových směsí dle požadavků zákazníka. Materiály vhodné pro rekonstrukci historických budov, obnovu památkových objektů i tradičních fasád. Sídlo firmy: Vostrovská 783/53, 160 00 Praha 6. Výrobky: Sanační omítky a systémy na…

Mgr. Martina Jaborová

We are engaged in the production and installation of pool tarpaulins, which we implement to suit the client. Thanks to quality materials with high resistance, load and quality, we are able to offer pool tarpaulins of the highest quality. We weld tarpaulins at high frequency, ie they have been holding joints for decades!

Auratech.cz s.r.o.

Sale: - high quality products for production, repair and maintenance of all kinds. Carrier products are anaerobic adhesives, technical sprays, industrial chemistry. Another sales item is abrasives, lumber, versatile lubricants and electrical wire terminations. We offer personal hygiene products such as towels, paper tissues, liquid soaps, etc.

Jiří Halva

www.halvaeshop.cz, sale of metal profiles rails: stainless steel, aluminum, brass, chrome, end rails, stair rails, corner rails, transition rails, arch profile, T profi, L profile, shower rails. Inspection door for tiles RD-AL / S.


production and distribution of own pool chemicals of the krystalpool brand, wholesale and retail sale of tools, household items and plumbing and heating materials, advisory and consulting activities, preparation of expert studies and assessments in the field of water management, operation of water supply and sewerage systems, water treatment and distribution, waste management, wholesale and…

DUHACOLOR spol. s r. o.

Výroba a dovoz chemických látek a chemických přípravků kvalifikovaných jako výbušné, oxidující, extrémně hořlavé, vysoce hořlavé, vysoce toxické, toxické, karcinogenní, mutagenní, toxické pro reprodukci, nebezpečné pro životní prostředí a prodej... Výroba chemických látek a chemických přípravků Velkoobchod Specializovaný maloobchod Maloobchod provozovaný mimo řádné provozovny