Raw materials

Production and sale of raw materials includes products for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, furthermore food industry but also for construction, engineering or other technical industry. Raw materials can also be deposited in the civic amenity sites as secondary raw materials.

Lumberwood OÜ - Prodej ekologického dřeva Praha

Lumberwood OÜ is a distribution company from the Czech Republic, a member state of the European Union. It specializes in supplying high-quality firewood, pellets, and other wood products. The range includes wooden products of various types and sizes that meet the highest quality standards. The wood comes from sustainably managed forests in Ukraine and is processed in a modern, certified facility…

COLAS CZ, a.s. - silniční stavitelství

General contractor of road construction in the Czech Republic. The activities of our company include road construction, ie construction, reconstruction, repairs and other work on roads and bridges. We also deal with the construction and reconstruction of engineering networks and railway structures, and our other activities also include stone mining and the production of crushed aggregates,…

Pavlo Kozak - renovace mramoru

We will arrange the renovation of your marble floors and stairs. We provide floor grinding and polishing of Terazzo marble and granite, chemical deep washing, grinding and crystallization, grinding and polishing of surfaces and the HTC DCS Twister method. We also offer repairs and renovations of terraces, production of terrazzo floors, stone cleaning and professional cleaning services for…


The company Michal Kaňok - GABIONY-OBCHOD.CZ specializes in the production and supply of gabion structures. We offer complete work associated with the focus, 3D visualization, consulting to production and professional installation on site. We produce our own prefabricated gabions and complete fence parts for quick implementation at the customer. We carry out constructions all year round and our…

J.O.Arbo s.r.o.

The company JohnnyStav s.r.o. focuses on finishing and maintenance work around the house. We carry out outdoor constructions and landscaping at the customer's request. Our added value is the high quality of the work performed, versatility, consultation with the customer regarding possible solutions. Buildings, production, assembly: - fences, retaining walls - terraces, outdoor paving -…

Franver, s.r.o. - výstavba, rekonstrukce

Hledáte spolehlivého partnera pro vaše stavební projekty? Chcete kvalitní a cenově dostupné materiály, služby a poradenství? Pak je pro vás správnou volbou firma Franver, s.r.o., Praha. Firma Franver, s.r.o. zajišťuje výstavbu a rekonstrukce bytových domů pro soukromý i pro veřejný sektor. Provádíme výstavbu a rekonstrukce škol, obchodních center, administrativních budov, sportovních center,…

MEIXNER & HANUŠ a.s. Czech republic - tuhá paliva

The company MEIXNER & HANUŠ a.s. Czech republic is an important and reliable company operating on the market for 25 years. Our portfolio of services includes wholesale and retail sales of solid fuels. Especially coal, briquettes, coke and also wood products. We have also been dealing with domestic and international truck transport for a long time. We transport goods with modern large-capacity…

ZAPA beton a.s.

The company ZAPA beton a.s. is one of the largest producers and suppliers of ready-mixed concrete on the Czech and Slovak markets, and its history began in the early 1990s, when it was only a small company with a few employees. At the end of 2019, ZAPA produced concrete a.s. in the Czech Republic in 52 concrete plants, 2 quarries, 1 crushing plant and 1 sand pit. Through its subsidiaries, it…


Jsme česká rodinná firma, která poskytuje nákladní automobilovou přepravu, dále pronájem velkoobjemových kontejnerů a likvidaci stavebního odpadu. Další služby, které provádíme jsou demoliční a zemní práce. Také nabízíme prodej kačírku, písku, štěrku, stavebního recyklátu a zahradní zeminy. Naši firmu naleznete v městské části Praha 9 – Běchovice.

Odvoz a likvidace odpadu Praha - Ivana Zůčková - IZAP

I.Z.A.P - Ivana Zůčková will provide services in the field of delivery trucking, container rental, waste collection and disposal or gardening work. In addition to these services, you can also buy various loose materials such as duck, gravel, mulch or sand. The registered office of the company can be found at Bohnická 38/8, Praha 8. Services, work: - delivery trucking - container rental (3m3,…

JM - Cool Terasy

Pools, whirlpools, stone tiles, garden lighting and much more will be provided for you by our company. We can offer you the cheapest pools and at the same time pools of such quality that the competition cannot just match. We will implement a swimming pool according to your requirements and demands, we can also line the house and the hall with stone, build cisterns, tanks, septic tanks,…


Our ultimate goal is to achieve the idea that the builder or private person from the beginning of the construction to its completion, will find all the portfolio of services (Vehicles, Earthmoving, Materials and Landfills, Professions, Consulting, Facility management), where they can directly order what they just need.