Raw materials

Production and sale of raw materials includes products for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, furthermore food industry but also for construction, engineering or other technical industry. Raw materials can also be deposited in the civic amenity sites as secondary raw materials.

OMT - Obalovna Moravská Třebová, s.r.o.

The company OMT - Obalovna Moravská Třebová, s.r.o. deals mainly with the production of asphalt mixtures for use in the construction and repair of roads, parking lots, sidewalks and other paved areas. We also sell crushed aggregates for construction purposes. We also provide technical advice in the field of construction and repair of roads. Asphalt mixtures are produced according to the method…

Uhlí Hubálek

Coal warehouses Hubálek offers quality brown and black coal, coke, wood and lignite briquettes and we also sell gravel and sand. We will also bring coal to you and fold it down. You can find us in Letohrad on Tyršova street. Coal stores, sale:  - protein brown coal (cube, nut 1, nut 2)  - hard coal (walnut, peas)  - coke (nut 1)  - brown coal briquettes Rekord  - wood briquettes  -…


The company BAUSET CZ, a.s. is a purely Czech company founded in 1995. We mainly carry out water management, engineering, transport and building construction. We focus on products and services in the field of construction, especially earthworks and demolition work of any scale, engineering construction, land reclamation and rehabilitation. We also recycle construction debris, including the…

Správa a údržba silnic Pardubického kraje

The Road Administration and Maintenance Company of the Pardubice Region has been taking care of road management and maintenance for 18 years. and III. classes in the Pardubice region. Our services include routine maintenance of roads, repairs of potholes in asphalt surfaces and roads, renewal and maintenance of traffic signs, technical assistance, summer and winter maintenance, as well as the…

Matěj Minář s.r.o.

Firma Matěj Minář s.r.o. se sídlem v Pardubicích nabízí širokou škálu služeb v oblasti zemních a výkopových prací, autodopravy, likvidace odpadu, demoliční a stavební činnosti. Současně nabízíme také prodej písku a kameniva a provozujeme půjčovnu kontejnerů a stavebních strojů. V rámci stavební činnosti realizujeme např. stavbu rodinných domů na klíč, zpevňování ploch, pokládku zámkové dlažby,…


Our company based in Pardubice was founded in 2014. We not only process Solidsurface material (HANEX, KRION, CORIAN, STARON, Hi-Macs), but also offer our customers the processing of technical stone (Technistone, Silestone), natural materials (granite , marble) and ceramics (DEKTON). Thanks to the ever-expanding requirements from our customers, we also offer joinery production in conjunction with…

Tomáš Neumann

At Agate-shop.com you will find Czech agates, precious stones, minerals such as amethyst, crystal, rose gold, garnet, vltavine, jasper and others. Possibility to buy jewelry made of precious stones and pearls, such as bracelets, necklaces, earrings, or fossils. Possibility of processing agates and minerals.

VIPSTONE s.r.o. - vipstone.cz - kamenné a cihlové obklady

VIPSTONE.CZ - stone tiles for your house, apartment or office. We run an online store with a wide range of stone tiles from concrete, plaster or expanded clay. We also offer tiles made of natural stone. We cooperate with manufacturers Steg, Incana, Vaspo, Luminta, Magicrete, Wallstone, Wildstone and Cerrad. We offer volume discounts on every purchase and cheap transport throughout the Czech…

Uhelné sklady Hlinsko

Coal warehouses Hlinsko: Sale of brown coal Dry coal Hlinsko: Cube Walnut 1 and Walnut 2 Brown coal Packed briquettes 10-30 kg We provide transportation of fuel purchased from us and we will compile the order according to the customer's requirements by a belt conveyor. Transport to Hlinsko is free. Supply of coal from the Bílina mine, Sokolov and Most.

Aleš Pardus

Zemní práce, demolice, realizace zpěvněných ploch, zámkových dlažeb, základ. desek, plotů, bazénů a výstavba RD, garáží. Prodej písku, štěrku, kačírku, zeminy, stavebního recyklátu, hlíny a ornice.

Jiří Novotný

Dřevovýrobavýroba - palisády a kůly Výroba - pergoly - přístřešky - oplocenky pro lesnické účely - dělící palisádové stěny - ohrady pro zvířata - ploty pro zahrady - celkové oplocení pro koně - prvky pro dětská hřiště - lesní odpočívadla Výroba - zahradní nábytek Výroba - dřevěné dlažby Výroba - ploty pro zahrady Výroba -…

Kamil Fibich

Prodej a výkup - dřevo Těžba a kácení - dřevo Zakázková výroba - stání na kontejnery - přístřešky na popelnice - garážové stání Truhlářstvízakázková výroba - dřevěné mostních konstrukce - stání na kontejnery - přístřešky na popelnice - garážové stání Zakázková výroba - dřevěné mostních konstrukce