Raw materials, energetics and semifinished products

Energy takes care of the production and distribution of energy, such as gas, electricity and water. Depends on the sale of various raw materials, which may be natural or secondary. Use and sale of semi-finished products for the chemical, construction or engineering industry.

AMPEXEN spol. s r.o.

Výhradní prodejci s ochrannou známkou na koženku Vinylpex. Koženka Vinylpex je vhodná pro: - výrobu čalounickou - výrobu galanterní - výrobu obuvnickou - čalounění interierů automobilů - čalounění letadel - čalounění interierových dveří apod. Struktura povrchu této koženky je dokonalou imitací povrchu kůže. Vyrábí se v přibližně 65 barvách v různých dezénech s rozmanitou…

Pila Novotný Jilemnice

The Novotný sawmill processes wood of non-standard dimensions. We focused on an assortment of atypical products for family houses, cottages, cottages and other buildings, trusses, ties, tiles, floors and more. Timber iskelet constructions, we can supply you directly in the dried state. You don't have to wait for the massive log beams to dry. Our production also includes tiling and flooring…

Eduard Musil

Kovo HAD to Wholesale, retail: - metallurgical material - assortment for plumbers, carpenters, auto mechanics, auto repairmen, car painters, builders, gardeners, farmer... Locksmithing, work: -cutting -cutting -drilling -turning -vertical and horizontal milling -scoring -pressing -bending pipes -sheet metal bending -CO 2 welding -rolling profiles -grinding…

MASTR s.r.o.

The company MASTR s.r.o. is a protected workshop operating in the field of metalwork. - production of rotary parts on CNC turning centers Okuma LB 3000EX, Okuma ES L8II - M, Citzen Cincom M52 - metalwork - classic turning - machining including finishing - stainless steel products - welding with the TIG – MIG – MAG system including forming - supplies of semi-finished products for the…

PETER - GFK spol. s r.o.

Production, development, surface treatment: - glass fiber reinforced plastic parts - development, production of models and molds after final production, including surface treatment by painting - working procedures - contact lamination, vacuum, VARTM and RTM technologies and low pressure pressing - parts for cars, agricultural machinery, buses, construction machinery, air conditioning…

BAGO s.r.o.

Services in forestry: - especially using harvester technology Transportation: - wood materials Sale of firewood -coniferous wood, as well as hardwood soft and hardwood, packed and loosely packed - wood production using harvester technology - classic manual logging with subsequent approach - we also work with cable car systems. In cultivation, we are engaged in: -…

Fortex - EU s.r.o.

Our company FORTEX-EU s.r.o. offers a wide range of wood products. Wholesale of building timber, floorboards, flooring, planed boards, KVH prisms, laminate, OSB boards, plywood, window sills, worktops, doors and frames, wooden slats, kitchen doors, paints, varnishes and fittings. We offer material for terraces and facade cladding. Formatting and gluing of furniture parts.

STAVOCHEMIE spol.s r.o.

Velkoobchodní a maloobchodní prodej: - stavební a průmyslová chemie a to: - tmely - lepidla - PU Pěny - omítkoviny - kaučuky dvousložkové - primery - speciální chemie - odstraňovače - odpěňovače - kotvící technika - fólie podstřešní - malířský program - silikonové laky - ochranné nátěry na dřevo - lepící pásky a plachty - maziva a technické spraye -…

Sorting Live s.r.o.

Services in the automotive industry: - inspection and sorting work - assembly and production work - minor repairs of products or semi-finished products - inventory - provision of substitute performance - providing sorting on own premises - wet painting - job agency Fa ZDENA - cleaning services: - regular and one-time cleaning - carpet and upholstery cleaning - moving and clearing…