Raw materials, energetics and semifinished products

Energy takes care of the production and distribution of energy, such as gas, electricity and water. Depends on the sale of various raw materials, which may be natural or secondary. Use and sale of semi-finished products for the chemical, construction or engineering industry.

Lázeňské lesy a parky Karlovy Vary, příspěvková organizace

The contributory organization Lázeňské lesy Karlovy Vary manages forests owned by the statutory city of Karlovy Vary. We are engaged in forestry, management of entrusted land and forest stands. We provide care for the forest and forest regeneration, as well as logging and the provision of hunting services. The main part of the forests in the vicinity has an area of about 1870 ha and we also…

PVP FAMILY - spol. s r. o.

Prodej stavebnin, velkoobchod, maloobchod: -kompletní stavební materiál -zdící materiály -zatravňovací tvárnice -palisády, teraso, pórobetonové výrobky, překlady -sádrokarton, zámková dlažba, betonové výrobky, sádrokarton, folie -střešní krytiny, komíny, střešní okna, plastová okna. -zahradní architektura, stavební chemie -izolace, zateplovací systémy a omítky …

VOLKA a syn, s.r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sale: -glued wood - europrisms for the production of windows and doors -spruce, pine, oak, meranti and other exotic trees - joiner's lumber -jointed boards for the production of furniture and stairs -spruce, pine, oak, beech -glued prisms and plates - wooden euro windows and doors.


Construction: - engineering constructions - cable and gas lines -sewerage -water reservoirs and wastewater treatment plants -modification of water courses - water pipes - outdoor LV distributions -lock paving. Earthwork. Wastewater treatment. Reinforcement of road surfaces. Terrain and park improvements. Decontamination of soils and structures. Hazardous waste disposal. …

DACHDECKER, spol.s r.o.

Specializovaný prodej: -střešní materiály pro šikmé i ploché střechy -veškerý sortiment střešních krytin -BRAMAC, KM** BETA, České cihelny, Josef MEINDL, TONDACH, CEMBRIT, IKO*, ISOLA, TEGOLA, DOERKEN, GH** ISOVER, LINDAB, MAGE, MARLEY, MOGAT, PARAMO, ROTO, ONDULINE, RHEINZINK, RANNILA, ROCKWOOL, VELUX -plechy CU**, Titanzinek, pozink -příslušenství pro…

FEROMAT, spol.s r.o.

Sale of metallurgical material: -steel profiles I100-240*, U50*-U200 T25*, T35*, T40*, T50* -angles, flat steel, circular steel, closed jackl profiles, reinforcing steel - dragline, concrete nets -pipes black, zinc, copper* -sheets black, smooth, ribbed, teardrop galvanized 0.55mm, coils 0.55mm, corrugated VSŽ*, copper sheet, AL** sheet, TiZn, KOB*-aluminium -AL**…

THERMI Mariánské Lázně, s.r.o.

Instalace topení. Tepelná technika, prodej, montáž, servis: -kompletní plynové a olejové kotelny pro rodinné domy a velkokotelny na klíč -vytápění výrobních hal a skladů plynovými infrazářiči -topná tělesa RADIK, KERMI, DiaNorm -termostatické ventily a hlavice -podlahové vytápění REHAU, včetně dokonalé regulace -zásobníky na teplou a užitkovou vodu -solární systém, tepelná…

Jan Tkáč

Production, woodworking: - all construction lumber - pergolas - garden houses - fences - slats, boards - wood products. Cut lumber.

MATRIX 2000 s.r.o.

Sale: - powder paint firing -silicone seals, caps, tapes, etc. masking -hooks, hanging technique - ZEUS manual and automatic spraying equipment - ZEUS plastic self-cleaning cabins -painting lines for powder paints - paint stripping lines - separate lines for pretreatment - cabins, ovens -cold paint remover - firing putty under powder paint -measuring devices - synthetic…