Caravany Ostrava, s.r.o.
Pronájem, půjčovna: - karavany, caravany, obytné vozy, obytná auta. Provozovna: - Areál společnosti MS Auto CZ spol. s r.o. Newtonova 1162, Ostrava - Přívoz
Pronájem, půjčovna: - karavany, caravany, obytné vozy, obytná auta. Provozovna: - Areál společnosti MS Auto CZ spol. s r.o. Newtonova 1162, Ostrava - Přívoz
Letecké servisní a opravárenské centrum. Servisní a opravárenské práce (pravidelná údržba a opravy, úpravy, přestavby): - letadla, letouny, letecká technika.
AWT ROSCO a.s. provides services related to the lease and comprehensive management of freight wagons. We are a member of the AWT Group and are engaged in car rental, including their routine maintenance. We will also take care of cleaning rail tanks. We rent and manage high-wall, covered, tanker, hopper and platform cars throughout Europe. Services: - comprehensive management of freight…
Securing, delivery: - buses - city, suburban, long-distance, tour, luxury. Repair, service: - buses, trucks and trailers - trucks and trailers.
Manufacturing and trading company FERRIT s.r.o. focuses on comprehensive solutions for transportation, transportation of persons and materials in all types of mine workings and suspension systems. We provide turnkey projects, designing and complete supplies of underground mining equipment. We develop and manufacture a complete range of mining machinery and equipment that are certified for use in…
ČSAD Havířov a.s .: services PASSENGER TRANSPORT - urban, suburban public transport, - contract transport (eg company), - bus rental - tours, - travel agency 3ČSAD: - residential tours Croatia - trips around the world - recreation and tours in the Czech Republic - sightseeing tours - sale of tickets and airline tickets HAULAGE - ADR transport (transport of…
ČSAD Karviná a.s .: services PASSENGER TRANSPORT - urban, suburban public transport, - contract transport (eg company), - bus rental - tours, travel agency 3ČSAD: - residential tours Croatia - trips around the world - recreation and tours in the Czech Republic - sightseeing tours - sale of tickets and airline tickets HAULAGE - ADR transport (transport of technical…