Na Zbytkách 41,
73901 Staré Město
Manufacturing and trading company FERRIT s.r.o. focuses on comprehensive solutions for transportation, transportation of persons and materials in all types of mine workings and suspension systems.
We provide turnkey projects, designing and complete supplies of underground mining equipment. We develop and manufacture a complete range of mining machinery and equipment that are certified for use in potentially explosive atmospheres of gases and coal dust, as well as machinery and equipment on tracked and wheeled chassis.

Our suspension systems are used to transport people, technology and operating materials in tunnels and mine corridors. The suspension track includes various handling and supplementary means, such as lifting equipment, reduced ramps, automatic control of switches or whole tracks, systems of communication between locomotives and dispatching, crossings and more.

 - land rail transport: surface and surface locomotive (diesel, accumulator or overhead), ground rack locomotives, ground rack railways
 - Monorail system: suspension systems, handling equipment, lifting equipment
 - wheeled transport: wheeled and tracked machinery and equipment, universal transport vehicles, universal tracked machinery, drilling and clamping wagons, loaders, wheeled gear graders
 - machinery and equipment for mining activities: crushers, systems for the safe handling of electrical equipment, systems for the restoration and ecological disposal of mining supports and equipment
 - monitoring and communication systems
 - mine rescue equipment: environmentally friendly cabins, special cabins, manipulators, control, measuring and regulating instruments.

The FERRIT Science and Technology Park (VNP) was built for research, development and production of prototypes of new types of traction equipment and new technological systems for extreme conditions of mines and construction sites. It is also used for renting offices or for placing their own development technologies (laboratories, prototype workshops and halls including testing equipment).

Our company has a network of branches and service centers around the world, eg in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Poland, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, China, Vietnam, Mexico, Colombia, Chile and we are trying to expand to other countries. You can find us at Na Zbytkách 41, Staré Město, Frýdek-Místek District.

  • vysokozdvižné a nízkozdvižné vozíky, paletové a vychystávací vozíky, manipulátory na kontejnery, otočné stoly
  • železniční vozy, kolejová vozidla, opravy vlakových souprav, kompozitní díly pro kolejová vozidla, opravy tramvají
  • hydraulické lomové stroje, vrtací hlavy, důlní stroje, důlní výtahy, dopravní zařízení pro doly, těžební stroje

Czech Companies
Transport and handling equipment, Rail vehicles, Machinery for mining industry

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