Single-purpose and special machines

Special purpose machines are generally manufactured to order for large scale production. These may be lathes, milling cutters, but also about a variety of conveyors and belt lines, hydraulic presses, pneumatic machines or equipment for the glass industry.

TRYTECH s.r.o. - tryskací zařízení

The company TRYTECH s.r.o. offers its customers for sale and rental a wide range of equipment and accessories for blasting. You will find mobile blasting equipment, blasting booths, spray guns, metallization equipment, compressors, metallic and non-metallic abrasives, protective equipment and many other products. We are located at Nádražní 795, Pelhřimov. Sales, e-shop, rental, rental, service…

LIBOR-Mont. s.r.o.

Our company is engaged in a variety of activities. We offer our customers the production of textiles, textile products, clothing and clothing accessories. Another part of our company deals with surface treatment, welding of metals and other materials. Furthermore, the production of machinery and equipment and preparatory and finishing construction work and specialized construction activities. …

Petr Němec

Zákazníkům nabízím více jak 20 let zkušeností v oboru průmyslové automatizace. Potřebujete upravit funkci stroje? Přidat snímač nebo navrhnout úpravu zapojení? Neváhejte se na mě obrátit, poskytuji komplexní služby v automatizaci Vašeho výrobního provozu. Do mého portfolia služeb patří: - programování PLC Siemens v prostředí TIA Portal - návrh osazení stroje vhodnými snímači a jejich…

G a H s.r.o.

G and H s.r.o. deals with custom metal production and CNC machining. Our job is precision CNC machining, machining with traditional technologies, ie milling, turning, grinding and drilling. Other fillings also include welding, marking of individual parts and measurement with a 3D arm with the preparation of a measurement protocol. We are engaged in the production of individual parts, single…


Production: - hot nozzles, nozzle - special nozzles, nozzle, molding, moldings - distribution boards - complete hot sides of molds - regulators - components - service. - hot nozzles, hot nozzle, distribution boards, distribution board, hot sides, hot side, regulator, switchboard, orycon, orycon eu **, orycone.

Švoma - Stroje, s.r.o.

The development, construction and production of automated single-purpose machines and complex technological lines is carried out by Švoma - Stroje, s.r.o. Our product portfolio includes band saws, presses, automated production lines, single-purpose machines, material cutting lines and other equipment. Furthermore, we offer our customers our experience in the field of overhauls of forming machines…