Single-purpose and special machines

Special purpose machines are generally manufactured to order for large scale production. These may be lathes, milling cutters, but also about a variety of conveyors and belt lines, hydraulic presses, pneumatic machines or equipment for the glass industry.

ELAP výrobní družstvo

ELAP výrobní družstvo focuses on the development, production and implementation of automation lines, equipment and machines for forming castings from Al alloys, plastics, rubber, ceramic materials, etc. We design and implement: - control systems - production and assembly units and lines - control units for completeness, integrity and dimensional stability of products - handling equipment…

OCHI-INŽENÝRING, spol.s r.o. - hydraulické a mazací systémy

Our company OCHI Inženýring, s. r. o. from Moravská Ostrava has experience in project implementation and final deliveries of industrial hydraulic, pneumatic and mechatronic systems. Our services, production, assembly, service: - hydraulic systems - lubrication systems - theater technology - stage lighting and sound system - multifunctional arenas and halls - single-purpose machines -…

PELUS automation machines s.r.o.

Společnost PELUS automation machines s.r.o. se specializuje na vývoj a výrobu jednoúčelových strojů a zařízení, které zahrnují akustické a RF boxy, výrobní linky a přípravky. Poskytujeme komplexní služby od první konzultace, přes návrh a výrobu, až po instalaci produktu u zákazníka s následným servisem. Svou budoucnost stavíme na kvalitních produktech s vysokou přidanou hodnotou a usilujeme o…

Kvalitní přívěsy

Naše firma nabízí k prodeji nedaleko Ostravy a Opavy kvalitní přívěsné vozíky značky DONAK a TEMARED. Přívěsné vozíky za auto slouží pro převoz nákladů do 750 kg. Máme jednonápravové, dvounápravové přívěsy, s plachtou, sklápěcí nebo brzděné. Při výběru Vám rádi poradíme, jaký typ je pro Vás nejvhodnější. Vyberete u nás vozík vysoké kvality včetně příslušenství. Přívěsný vozík DONAK, vyráběný v…

Company PMX s.r.o.

Company PMX s.r.o. since its establishment, has been engaged in the production of machines and equipment for sheet metal processing. Our products include profiling lines, cutting, bending and forming tools, bending machines or profiling stands. We are able to produce also various single-purpose machines according to customer requirements. You can find our business in Karviná. Development,…


Our company focuses on custom locksmith production and development and production of single-purpose equipment and jigs. At present, we can also offer you services in the field of 3D printing in addition to the above activities. We deal with custom and serial production from design to final product and production documentation. As part of metal production, we also provide machining, such as…

dk metal prominent s.r.o.

Custom production, serial production: - turned and milled parts from metal and non-metal materials - turned and milled parts - special precision parts - preparations - single-purpose stands and equipment. Designs, development, production: - information boards - construction for foil boxes - height-adjustable workbenches - carillons. Cooperation in the field of…

TechniFog s.r.o.

TechniFog s.r.o. specializes in design, engineering, supply and service activities in the field of water mist technology supplies, which is based on spraying (fogging) technology. TechniFog s.r.o. offers complete services in the case of fire-fighting equipment, dust reduction, odor reduction and in the field of misting piping systems, misting fans and fog guns. Provides delivery of equipment,…

K.B.K.-KON, s.r.o.

Našim zákazníkům můžeme nabídnout komplexní řešení zakázky, od vypracování výrobní dokumentace, až po samotnou výrobu takových zařízení, jakými jsou například obráběcí a svařovací přípravky, montážní, kontrolní a měřicí přípravky a další speciální nástroje.

Ing. Jindřich Rzehulka

Construction of injection molds for companies engaged in the production of molds and plastic injection. Services: - external processing of 3D and 2D documentation of injection molds according to the requirements of the manufacturer and customer - processing of change documentation of molds - creation of 3D models according to the existing 2D documentation.

Ing. Emil Martínek

Design activity and technical drawing. Technical drawing: - proposals - printing of drawings, export to DWG, DXF, PDF - creation of BOMs on drawings or in separate XLS, PDF files - processing of documents for price offers. Construction: - designs of single-purpose machines and equipment - production documentation of machine parts - production documentation of steel structures

SKO, spol. s r.o. - Strojírny Kukol Opava

Our company SKO, spol. s r.o. based in Opava is engaged in the production of precision automatic machines that work on the principle of electron beam welding in vacuum and their complete assembly, including the production of vacuum chambers and their accessories. We also deal with custom production according to the drawing documentation provided by the customer. We have been operating on the…