Measuring and control equipment

The industry can not do without the gauges and control techniques for precise and unambiguous measurement. Between this technique include pressure gauges, laboratory and inspection measuring instruments, hlukoměry, revolution counters, thermometers and temperature sensor and technique for measuring the conductivity.

Arkon Flow Systems, s.r.o.

Varnishing and painting Production, installation, repair of electrical machines and devices, electronic and telecommunications equipment Locksmithing, tool making -Manufacture of electronic components, electrical equipment and manufacture and repair of electrical machines, devices and electronic devices operating at low voltage -Machinery and equipment production - Mediation of business and…

Construction Sitech CZ, s.r.o.

Sales, service, rental: - Trimble leveling systems for control of construction machinery and measuring systems for geodetic and control work - navigation systems. Geodetic work, including the creation of digital models of the terrain, usable for volume calculations and control work. Branch: Construction SITECH CZ s.r.o. Marten 201 251 63 Stranchice +420 733 714 804

Egretta, a.s.

Zabýváme se průmyslovou automatizací, měřením a regulacemi. Vyrábíme elektroniku. Vytváříme LED osvětlení interiérů a exteriérů. Nabízíme property management, poradenskou činnost v oblasti ekonomiky a finančních trhů. Prodáváme systémy pro monitorování a analýzu obloukového svařování.