Measuring and control equipment

The industry can not do without the gauges and control techniques for precise and unambiguous measurement. Between this technique include pressure gauges, laboratory and inspection measuring instruments, hlukoměry, revolution counters, thermometers and temperature sensor and technique for measuring the conductivity.

Rudolf Harák

Vodoinstalatérství, topenářství. Výměna, cejchování, oprava, servis: - vodovodní baterie. Prodej: - vodoměry. Nyní činnost provozuje jako firma Harák, s.r.o. IČO:25500368.

Redis-, s.r.o.

We deal with measurement and regulation, automation and control of technological processes in various branches of industry. Realization: -municipal wastewater treatment plants - industrial wastewater treatment plants -water treatment plants - sewage pumping station -water management for industry -reservoirs, drinking water pressure stations -dispatching workplaces.

Wesico, s.r.o.

Providing software Repair and maintenance of household goods, objects of a cultural nature, fine mechanical products, optical instruments and gauges Production of measuring, testing, navigation, optical and photographic devices and equipment. Business - purchase of goods for the purpose of resale and sale.