Equipment for companies

Equipment for the company includes not only metal and wooden furniture the type of working tables, office chairs and cabinets, but also electronics and office equipment, among which you must not miss computers, printers, phones, faxes or walking systems.

J. A. P. spol. s r. o.

Construction cases for sliding doors TRIX ZERO, TRIX ONE, TRIX HEAVY and ROLLO sliding systems Sliding stairs Stainless steel railings All-glass and glass doors, walls, tiling behind the kitchen Grapeglass Interior and exterior stairs: - segmental stairs - spiral staircases - side stairs - stirrup stairs - concrete staircase cladding

ROLIZO, spol. s r.o.

Rolizo spol. s.r.o. has been operating since 1995 in the field of building construction and building modifications leading to energy savings. In its activities, the company Rolizo spol. s.r.o. concentrates mainly on custom production and assembly of polycarbonate buildings - greenhouses, skylights, pool covers, conservatories and sheds. It deals with the supply of thermal insulation panels, solar…

KOVOSPORT Třinec, a.s.

Výroba, prodej: -sněžná pásová vozidla LAVINA 801 TD-Z HYDROSTATIC, LAVINA PH 1400 D, LAVINA PL 1000, 02 -skládací kovové palety, nástavce na palety -pojízdné boxy -víceúčelové kontejnery. Řemeslnické práce: -zámečnické práce, strojní zámečnické práce -kovovýroba, kovoobrábění, obrábění kovů, kovy -obráběcí práce(vyvrtávání a soustružení velkých dílců do 5t), …

Vratislav Navrátil - SPS - Servis, s.r.o.

Delivery, provision, service, sale: - machines, tools, implements - welding machines ALFAIN, SELCO - BOMAR band saws - ALFRA electromagnetic drills - deburring machines - miter saws - abrasive (for engineering, car repair, woodworking industry) - oils, lubricants - electric, hand tools - decarbonisation of engines.