BYT - interier, s.r.o.
Sale: - home furniture - living walls - sofas - bedroom.
Sale: - home furniture - living walls - sofas - bedroom.
Sale: - home furniture - living walls - sofas - bedroom.
Branch. Sales, retail: - furniture - home accessories.
Retail, sales: - furniture - home accessories.
Revision: - pressure vessels - gas - boiler. - domestic solid fuel boilers.
ZWORK is engaged in production and sale of medical furniture. You will find electrically height adjustable tables, adjustable and telescopic tables, electric drive tables and ergonomic Samurai chairs. Enjoy the pleasure of using ZWORK products. You'll feel better with WORK tables and Samurai armchairs. For the right and healthy sitting at work you will appreciate our products: Tables with…
Company DINA has been producing and supplying furniture since 1991 and owns two industrial models in this area. Production, production of wood, wholesale, sale: - school furniture also sitting furniture - school desks - chairs, little tables - computer tables - dining tables - clothes stands - office furniture - atypical furniture - furniture for schools, kindergartens, …
Výroba: - lavice, židle - nábytek pro školy, školky.
Supply and installation of machinery and equipment relocation of machinery and production equipment and lines production of steel structures custom production - railings, stairs, fences and fencing Dedicated electrical, pressure, gas and lifting equipment, including documentation processing. Establishment: - Frýdek-Místek Old Town, Jamnická 348.
Prodej, Eshop: - nábytek - obývací pokoje - kuchyně - jídelní sety, stoly - dětské pokoje - kancelářský nábytek - sedací soupravy - ratanový nábytek - ložnice - postele - komody - skříně - zahradní nábytek - křesla, židle - koupelnový nábytek. Sídlo společnosti: - 1. máje 69/14, Ostrava - Mariánské Hory.
Engineering: - machines - technological equipment - steel constructions. Production: - crushers, aggregate sorters - belt conveyors - elevators - hoppers.
Distribution, sales: - countersinking tools - deburring tools - deburring machines - abrasives - cutting means - tools for the engineering and woodworking industries.
Výroba, návrh, dodávka interiérů na klíč: - nábytek - kuchyně - kanceláře - obývací, fětské pokoje - ložnice - veřejné prostory - interiérové dveře a zárubně.
Production of solid wood furniture - kitchen counters - office furniture - living room furniture - children's furniture - shelves, tables - inbuilt wardrobe - equipment of bars, restaurants - office furniture.
Replacement, repair, sale: - kitchen door - worktops. Production, wood production, sale: - kitchen units, kitchen - kitchen door (solid wood, pressed, milled) - office and children's furniture - furniture (residential, office, bathroom) - built-in cabinets - desks. Custom production, sales: - custom window sill panels - window sills. Craft work: - carpentry.
Company JOPL s.r.o. is a tire service that deals with automobile sales, service and transport. We provide our customers with everything from spare parts to car accessories to tires. Our towing service is also available to help you in trouble in Lipník nad Bečvou, Přerov and Hranice. Wholesale, retail, sale, service: - spare parts and car accessories - tires (passenger, utility, offroad) -…
Development, production and sales: - steel containers - special interchangeable superstructures for trucks - steel constructions. Sawmill production: - sale of construction lumber - sale of joinery lumber by agreement.
The company holds an integrated management system certificate according to ISO 9001:2001, 14001:2005, OHSAI 18001:1999 standards. Design, consulting, production, sales: - construction reinforced concrete parts for industrial, residential, civil, engineering construction - SPIROLL prestressed ceiling panels -reinforced concrete ceiling slabs, lintels - ceiling, roof panels …
Výroba: - kovové konstrukce - kotle - tělesa a kontejnery.
Technologické zařízení. Ocelové konstrukce. Řemeslnické práce: - svářečské - zámečnické - soustružnické.
Sales, service, authorized dealer: - fats, oils for all industries - machining emulsion liquids - ecological lubricants - top quality motor and transmission oils - authorized dealer of ESSO HOUGHTON products DEUTSCHLAND (oils, lubricants) - authorized dealer of KLUEBER products (KLUBER).
Dodávka, prodej: - hasicích přístrojů - plnění tlakových lahví s potravinářským CO2. Revize, opravy hasicích přístrojů, hydrantů a požárních vodovodů.
Výroba, kovovýroba, zámečnictví, montáž, demontáž: - okrasné ploty, brány, mříže - ocelové konstrukce, schodiště (rovné, točité) - vrata, zábradlí, plošiny - stavební zámečnické výrobky - ocelové dveře. Řemeslnické práce: - zámečnické. Prodej, montáž: - polykarbonát LEXAN.
Zámečnictví. Výroba, kovovýroba, prodej: - kovový nábytek - dílenský nábytek - reklamní štíty - vrata, výlohy - ocelové, hliníkové dveře. Řemeslnické práce: - zámečnické.
Wholesale, sale: - haberdashery haberdashery - hairdressing tools.