Equipment for companies

Equipment for the company includes not only metal and wooden furniture the type of working tables, office chairs and cabinets, but also electronics and office equipment, among which you must not miss computers, printers, phones, faxes or walking systems.

TEPLOTECHNA Ostrava a.s.

The company TEPLOTECHNA Ostrava a.s. is a construction company with a tradition of performing constructions in the field of heat engineering and high-rise reinforced concrete constructions in the Czech Republic and abroad. At the same time, we are dynamically developing activities in new promising areas of building construction and high-rise and prefabricated buildings. Refractory: -…

TOWER TRADING, spol. s r.o.

Delivery, installation: -steel prefabricated halls-LLENTAB system -complete project documentation. Basic steel construction: -thin-walled cold profiles shaped -completely hot-dip galvanized -connections-screw. Roof construction: - formed by a lattice truss. Performed by: -completely isolated objects -uninsulated buildings. Real estate agency.

Karel Drobil

Truhlářství, truhlářské práce. Výroba: - eurookna, dřevěná okna - dřevěné dveře - kuchyňské linky, kuchyně - nábytek (restaurace, kanceláře, školky) - koupelnový nábytek - vestavné skříně - postele - skříňky, komody - nábytek z masivu - dřevěné schodiště - pergoly, lávky.

Petr Synovec - PESY

Dodávka, pokládka: - podlahové krytiny - koberce - PVC, linoleum - čistící zóny - plovoucí podlahy. Renovace schodišť. Výroba: - nábytek - kuchyňské linky - vestavěné skříně - kancelářský nábytek. Montáž: - žaluzie, rolety, markýzy, sítě prtoi hmyzu. Sídlo firmy: - Staňkova 232/16, Ostrava - Výškovice.