Engineering plants and metal fabrication

Metal fabrication offers custom built single-part and large-scale production of metal components. It is possible to realize the products virtually of any material. Engineering in the CZECH republic offers a high standard of production arising from a long tradition, and that in the field of production of materials and machining.


The company VOLKE MLADÁ BOLESLAV spol. s r.o. offers design and development work in the automotive and engineering industries. We manufacture models, develop sheet metal and external plastic body parts, as well as interior equipment and car trim. We perform analysis, testing and testing of electrical equipment in vehicles. For presentation purposes, we create 2D simulations of interior design,…

GALL s.r.o.

GALL s.r.o. operates a number of activities, including metal production with a focus on the production of axles, plastics processing, construction activities, rental of space in our complex and accommodation services in the hostel under Ještěd. We are located in Liberec on Bánskobystrická Street. Metal production, metalworking, production: - successor to LIAZ and L.A.F axles for buses,…


FEMONT a.s. specializes in custom manufacturing in the field of locksmithing and metal production. Our company consists of the subsidiary FEMONT Engineering s.r.o., FEMONT Manufacturing a.s. and FEMONT Automation s.r.o. We manufacture metal structures, gates, gates, handling equipment and steel structures according to customer requirements. We provide milling, turning work, CNC machining,…

VOP Dolní Bousov, spol.s r.o.

Our company VOP Dolní Bousov, spol.s r.o. deals with the production of products for flood protection (flood barriers) and barbing spikes. We also develop digital flood protection plans for municipalities. Mobile flood barriers: - protection of objects - prevent water from penetrating through doors, windows and other openings. In our offer of services you will find: - locksmithery -…

K-KONT, s.r.o.

Chráněná dílna. Kovovýroba: -vypalování na CNC strojích -ohraňování a stříhání plechů -zakružování a tvarování profilů -stříhání a řezání materiálů -plazmové dělení -vrtání -frézování -soustružení -broušení -výroba ocelových konstrukcí -zámečnické, kovářské, svářecí práce. Lisovací kontejnery. Mobilní a ocelové skladovací haly, hala: -základem je nosná ocelová konstrukce opláštěná…

JAHO - OK s.r.o.

Zámečnictví, kovovýroba, výroba, prodej, dodávka, distribuce: -výroba manip. techniky (lžice, lopaty, kleště na seno) -ocelové konstrukce (výroba a montáž) -výroba armatury -stavební zámečnické práce (schody, zábradlí, ploty) -stavební zámečnictví -skružování profilů -posuvné brány, vrata Zemědělské, stavební, lesnické stroje: nakládací lopaty lžíce, drapáky, lopaty radlice,…

Zámečnictví Jiří Mátl

Locksmithing, metalwork. Locksmith work. Custom metal fabrication. Interior accessories, accessories made of stainless steel, copper and brass. Etching inscriptions in copper and brass. Polishing of non-ferrous metals Polycarbonate roofs and awnings.

KOVOBA, s.r.o.

The main activity of KOVOBA, s.r.o. is a piece production of spare parts for machines, stabilizing parts for production lines, ground equipment for the aerospace industry and also production of fans. We also supply machine covers, pyrometer holders and locksmith parts. We operate in the Zlin Region, South Moravian Region - Uherske Hradiste, Hodonin. Our company has been operating in the field…

KwR KOVÁŘ, s.r.o.

Výroba, práce, služby: - vulkanizace pryže (silenbloky na nákladní automobily, pogumované hřídele, pásy z čisté pryže, pásy z vloženou tkaninou, těsnění, manžety, dorazy, válečky, pogumované koužky a kola, pogumované tyče) Kovovýroba: - výroba forem - kotevní ojímky - zámečnická výroba. Výroba, prodej: - dřevěné uhlí.


The company VK LAROZ DK Holešov with a focus on locksmithing and metal production, manufactures and supplies metal tanks, machine tool covers, industrial platforms and stands, we build steel halls and perform hall cladding. Many years of experience in the field of custom locksmith production. Our main activity is the production of steel structures, distribution cabinets and products such as…

DZ KOVO - Dušan Zachara

Custom locksmith production: -production of gears -various dimensions -machine components and components -gates, grilles, technological assemblies -spare parts. Work: -Chip machining of metals, metalworking: -turning, milling -drilling, cutting, grinding -locksmithing, locksmithing -refining, hardening, tempering -surface treatment of metals: -painting, blackening, chrome…