Engineering plants and metal fabrication

Metal fabrication offers custom built single-part and large-scale production of metal components. It is possible to realize the products virtually of any material. Engineering in the CZECH republic offers a high standard of production arising from a long tradition, and that in the field of production of materials and machining.

Products of Steel, s.r.o.

Products of Steel, s.r.o. based in Ostrava, the Czech Republic, which is an EU member state, will not only provide you with documentation, but also large-scale machine production of spare parts, machining, surface treatment and heat treatment of products. These are burnouts, forgings, castings, weldments, springs, hydraulic components and much more. Our goal is primarily customer satisfaction,…

Vaněk Jiří

Strojírenská výroba. Plechy - výroba. Zpracování-plechy. Typické produkty: - elektrorozvaděče, počítačové skříně, schránky, opláštění strojů, vzduchotechnické komponenty, dílenské vybavení, mřížky, regály, řetězová kola, síta, skříně, kontejnery, zahradní náčiní, dveře, vrata, díly pro automobilový průmysl, topení a nejrůznější výpalky.

OLMEX-KAL s.r.o.

Výroba: - střižné a lisovací nástroje - formy pro plasty a pryž - zlatnické nástroje a výrobky potřebné k ražení - hydraulické bloky - svařovací, upínací a měřící přípravky - nástroje pro důlní mechanismy - atypické soustružnické nože - kovoobrábění - náhradní díly pro železniční kolejová vozidla.

AZ FIN SERVIS, s.r.o. - ŽDB a.s.

Metal production, locksmithing, locksmith machine production: - steel constructions - industrial equipment (loaders, reservoirs, tanks, stairs, platforms, railings) - medium and larger repairs: - lines, machine tools. Electrical assembly work, electrical maintenance: - rewind-motors - electrical installation, electrician trade - high-current electrical engineering-HV.


Production, assembly, repair, service: - machinery - technological equipment. Craft locksmith, welder Breeding, sale, riding school, equestrian club: - sport horses, horses for sport purposes-parkour. Production: - steel structures - show jumping obstacles. We have owned ISO * 9001 since 2002, Welding of steel structures ČSN EN ISO 1090-2 Recruitment agency - search for…

STAMPA Ostrava, - spol. s r.o.

STAMPA Ostrava Ltd., located in Ostrava, the Czech Republic, member of the European Union, is a company that carries out complete deliveries of steel structures, industrial factory equipment and machine parts to be used in industry and building constructions. A professional team of workers, able to respond to the challenges of the modern age, enables the STAMPA Ostrava Ltd. company to implement…

Josef Tesař

The company Josef Tesař deals mainly with custom production and installation of garage doors and gates, as well as additional installation of drives on existing doors and gates. We also manufacture single-purpose machines and install access systems and alarms. Production, assembly: - garage door - gates - goals - Barriers. Metal production: - bars - portals, screens - shelters -…