House, flat and garden

Get a quality tool and for Your house, apartment or garden, such as axes, garden shears, spades, shovels, pitchforks, brooms, rakes, or saws on the branches. In each workshop you'll appreciate the sets of hand tools, including screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, wrenches and fasteners.

Realizace a údržba zahrad Brno a okolí - Alois Procházka

Our implementation gardening company provides comprehensive services in the field of garden and greenery design, deals with its own implementation of gardens and subsequent maintenance of gardens and other greenery. Other activities offer the establishment of rock gardens, construction of dry walls, planting of fruit and ornamental trees, including mature trees, planting of shrubs and hedges. We…

Zahradní centrum Malinkovič - Důbrava s.r.o.

You can buy everything you need for gardening in the Malinkovič-Dôbrava Garden Center in Břeclav. In our garden center you can buy plant material such as perennials, annuals and balcony plants, as well as complementary assortment for their cultivation such as substrates, fertilizers and ceramics. You can visit our garden center in Břeclav or Hodonín. We run retail and wholesale with perennials…


Zahradní centrum Morávkovo v Lednici je zahradnictví, kde zakoupíte okrasné keře a veškeré ovocné stromky. Naši další činností je kompletní projektování zahrad od vytvoření návrhu až po realizaci. V našem zahradním centru pořídíte vše potřebné pro zahradu. Prodáváme ovocné dřeviny, listnaté i jehličnaté rostliny a dokonce i vzrostlé stromy. Zakoupíte u nás i různé druhy travin, letniček,…