LSM Economy Reality, s.r.o.
Finanční poradenství Úvěry - hypotéky - půjčky pro fyzické i právnické osoby Veřejné dražby Řešení pohledávek Realitní kancelář Správa nemovitostí
Finanční poradenství Úvěry - hypotéky - půjčky pro fyzické i právnické osoby Veřejné dražby Řešení pohledávek Realitní kancelář Správa nemovitostí
Loans - mortgages. Expert opinions. Providing: - legal service. Sale and rent: - apartments - family houses - grounds - commercial premises - garages.
Production of furniture, custom-made furniture. We offer kitchens, built-in wardrobes or children's rooms, bedrooms. Kitchen program, built-in wardrobes, offices, children's rooms, bedrooms, living walls.
Pravidelný úklid budov a kanceláří Čištění - čalouněný nábytek Čištění - koberce Výpomoc v domácností (žehlení, běžný úklid, ...) Údržba zeleně
zánik poslední živnosti: 1.10.2013. Realitní kancelář.
Production from concrete: - kitchen counters - countertops - tables - garden furniture - bathrooms. Renovation - floors (industrial, ...)
Delivery: - low voltage VACON frequency converters up to 5MW and high voltage converters up to 20MW - soft starters - asynchronous motors - servomotors Service: - low voltage VACON frequency converters up to 5MW and high voltage converters up to 20MW - soft starters - asynchronous motors - servomotors
Designs and realizations: - apartment interiors - children's rooms - turnkey interiors.
Production, repair, service and after-warranty: - automatic, turnstile and linear doors - revolving doors, industrial doors, gates, garage doors, security entrances, fire doors, gratings and barriers.
Connection to central protection desks. Designs, assembly, revision, service: - electronic security devices - camera surveillance and recording systems - access systems, access control - electronic fire alarm - garage door - gates - parking machines.
Výroba, montáž a demontáž - vrata Dodávka, montáž a demontáž - žaluzie - sítě proti hmyzu Výroba a montáž, demontáž - plastová okna - eurookna - vchodové a balkonové dveředodávka a montáž - parapety Výroba, montáž a demontáž - zimní zahrady
Member of the ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE OFFICES OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC - DRK CR. Real estate agency, sale, rent: - apartments - family houses - villas - recreational facilities - grounds - commercial premises - garages.
Truhlářské práce Technická správa budov Dodávka - centrální vysavače Zateplování fasád Výměna - okna - dveře Revitalizace panelových domů - stavební činnost Realizace - střechy Kovovýroba
Production, delivery and assembly - kitchen counters Delivery and installation - office furniture Production - office furniture Delivery and installation - furniture - inbuilt wardrobe - furniture - inbuilt wardrobe.
Internet shop, e-shop, eshop: - wine-growing supplies - tapping technology - cooling units - Solar Panels - exotic woods - supplies for animals - garden ponds Construction: - wine and tap technology.
Carpentry work Assembly and renovation - the kitchen. Sale - floating floors (laminate, solid wood, cork).
Sales, installation: - all floor coverings - PVC - line - vinyl Production and delivery - custom kitchen.
PF GROUP, a.s. manufactures and sells: - internal and external window sills - stair systems - roof elements.
Real estate agency: - sale and rent of apartments, family houses, plots of land in Brno and the surrounding area - sale and lease of commercial real estate in Brno and its surroundings.
Landscaping - landscape projection: - valuation of tree species - generals and passports of green and road green - Model green maintenance projects and plans - proposals for replacement plantings - horticultural projects - parks, gardens, gardens, greenery, playgrounds - terrain work - reclamation.