House and flat furnishings

Equip your household with quality furniture in the form of sofas, beds, tables, chairs, kitchen cabinets, work table and the like. Equip her also interior textiles, namely curtains, carpet and drapes, windows, blinds and other home accessories.

Lokki International, s.r.o.

Equipment for kindergartens. Kindergarten interiors - changing rooms, corridors, classrooms, bathrooms, playrooms. Decoration and equipment of waiting rooms and centers of pediatricians and hospitals. Paintings on facades. Children's rooms In the E-shop we offer: - didactic games - bulletin boards and decorations - distinguishing marks and labels on the doors - children's…

Mistr Truhlář, s.r.o.

Výroba - pergoly - - zakázkové truhlářstvívýroba - nábytek - kuchyňské linky - dveře - schody - zábradlí Dodávka - dřevěné brikety Truhlářská výroba - kuchyňské linky Truhlářská výroba - obývací a předsíňové stěny - dětské pokoje - ložnice - vestavěné skříně, ...

Pavel Tomšík

Are you looking for blinds, blinds and other shading technology in and around Pilsen? Do you need professional installation of shading technology? We offer sales and installation of blinds, installation of shading technology, built-in wardrobes, roll-up doors, door upholstery, window films.