House and flat furnishings

Equip your household with quality furniture in the form of sofas, beds, tables, chairs, kitchen cabinets, work table and the like. Equip her also interior textiles, namely curtains, carpet and drapes, windows, blinds and other home accessories.

LEKY s.r.o - Skleněné vitríny Kolín

We focus mainly on the production of glass showcases, counters, kitchens, wardrobes and other complementary furniture. Our glass showcases are suitable for furnishing shops, offices, commercial premises or as a design luxury element of households. It serves primarily for displaying goods, making them visible and protecting items and goods stored therein.  - glass showcases with low plinth …

Altic Point s.r.o. - Regály Praha

Specialist for shelves - Altic Point s.r.o. Prague Rack systems - racks and shelves for wide use in industry (for production halls, warehouses and shops), as well as for archives, libraries, museums, offices and other premises. Representation of world brands Dexion, Dexion racks, Manorga, Bruynzeel, Sysco, Compactus. Automatic machine for storing and dispensing Europallets and other pallets of…

Truhlářství Praha - Přemysl Škarvada - Kuchyně a schodiště na míru Praha

Our company is mainly engaged in custom production of kitchen units and all-wooden staircases. We offer custom made kitchens according to your requirement. We offer four classes of kitchen units. They differ mainly in the design of the door. We supply kitchens with laminated, foil, veneered or solid doors. Design, manufacture and installation of railings. Custom internal staircases: …

Truhlářství Mapefi - Martin Petr - Interiéry na zakázku Praha 9 - Vinoř

We produce custom-made furniture of all shapes, sizes and used materials. Production according to your wishes, from a small cabinet to the overall interior realization. Custom made kitchens for family houses, kitchens for prefabricated apartments, high-gloss lacquered kitchens. We manufacture kitchens exactly according to your requirements and demands on functionality. Furthermore, we…

Okna-dveře Vorel s.r.o.

The company Okna-dveře Vorel s.r.o. has been supplying various types of windows and doors, including accessories, for more than 25 years. We are a sales representative of major manufacturers, namely TTK CZ s.r.o., OTHERM and POL-SKONE s.r.o. Our range includes, for example, euro-windows, wood-aluminum, aluminum, plastic and casement windows, balcony and entrance doors, interior doors incl.…

Euro SITEX, s.r.o.

Production, sale, service: -wire screens -standard screens -polyurethane surfaces -polyurethane and rubber systems, dehydrating agents, membrane screens -industrial screens -slot screens -surface, cylinders, filters -pressure and spot-welded screens - black and stainless -finger screens -screens for building purposes, fence frames, woven wire fabric, ribbed fencing -insect fabrics,…

DC Ravak JIH, a.s.

DC Ravak JIH, a.s. je dlouholetým hráčem na trhu sanitární keramiky a koupelnového vybavení v České republice. Tato společnost se může pochlubit více než 20 lety zkušeností v oboru a patří mezi přední výrobce a dodavatele koupelnového zboží na tuzemském trhu. Společnost vznikla privatizací bývalého státního podniku Keramické závody Horní Bříza. Od té doby prošla řadou změn a restrukturalizací,…

Podlahy Martin Slanina

The company Martin Slanina deals with the sale and installation of floor coverings, sales and installation of blinds, minor construction work. We also provide hourly husband services - repairs and small crafts in the household. We supply and install floor coverings such as floating wood or laminate floors, PVC and vinyl floors, linoleum, marble, cork and carpets. We will be happy to advise you…

Revize Elektro Říčany - Ing. Antonín Krch

Pokud hledáte spolehlivou a kvalifikovanou firmu, která se zabývá revizí a montáží elektroinstalací, hromosvodů a elektrospotřebičů, pak je Revize Elektro Říčany - Ing. Antonín Krch tou pravou volbou pro vás. Tato firma působí na trhu již mnoho let a nabízí širokou škálu služeb pro domácnosti, firmy i veřejné instituce. Mezi její hlavní činnosti patří: -Revize elektroinstalace do 1000V -…


MARPA DESIGN je dynamická firma se sídlem v Mladé Boleslavi, která se specializuje na interiérový a exteriérový design. Snažíme se vytvářet útulné a pohodlné domovy, které odpovídají představám, potřebám a snům našich klientů, od návrhu až po realizaci. Naše služby zahrnují komplexní návrh interiéru domu či bytu, od počáteční koncepce přes výběr materiálů až po finální realizaci. Součástí naší…

Truhlářství Pohoda - Václav Sommer

Joinery Pohoda focuses on custom-made furniture. We realize kitchens, built-in wardrobes and furniture made of laminate, solid wood and exotic wood species. We also focus on the production of doors, windows, replica windows or antique furniture. From solid wood we produce interior and exterior furniture and stairs. Joinery, production, assembly:  - custom furniture  - kitchens, kitchens  -…


Společnost FREUNDOSTAV s.r.o. je dynamicky se rozvíjející stavební firma, která se specializuje na poskytování kvalitních stavebních služeb pro široké spektrum klientů. Naše filozofie je založena na neustálém zkvalitňování našich služeb a zavádění moderních stavebních metod, které nám umožňují dosahovat špičkových výsledků. Naše zkušený a profesionální tým je vždy připraven Vám pomoci při…

Baroch - okna s.r.o.

The company Baroch - okna s.r.o. has been supplying and installing windows since 1994. Our main task is the comprehensive supply of opening fillings for construction companies, housing cooperatives, cities and private individuals. We carry out disassembly, assembly, masonry cleaning and disposal of old windows, design and delivery of plastic and wooden windows. Our company is a registered…

Lukáš Stejskal - kovovýroba a zámečnictví

Firma Lukáš Stejskal se zabývá komplexní činností v oblasti zakázkové kovovýroby a zámečnictví. V rámci své činnosti nabízí kompletní realizaci zakázek včetně výroby, povrchové úpravy, dopravy a montáže. Současně provádí také svářečské práce, opravy a údržbu v průmyslových a soukromých objektech, dále povrchové úpravy žárovým zinkem a práškové lakování. Své práce provádí v interiéru i…

Truhlářství Jan Rulík

Truhlářství Jan Rulík manufactures living walls, seating furniture, built-in wardrobes, beds, office equipment. We supply kitchens, children's rooms, home accessories, garden furniture, houses and pergolas. We offer stylish furniture, restoration, replicas. Production, design, orientation, assembly: - wardrobes - the kitchen - living room and hall walls - shelves and counters -…

I.V.N. spol. s r.o.

Company I.V.N. is dedicated to the design and implementation of interiors and its main activity is the design, manufacture and installation of small series and atypical furniture. We design and completely implement commercial and non-commercial interiors. We provide everything in cooperation with verified companies. We design and manufacture: - furniture and equipment for your offices,…

Stavba Bartoš, s.r.o.

Our construction company, which has been operating for more than 25 years, mainly in Kladno and its surroundings. We implement constructions of larger and smaller character. We gained my experience mainly in Germany and subsequently on contracts in the Czech Republic. Over time, we are constantly expanding our services to today's form, which consists mainly of the complete construction of houses,…

Jiří Pek - zámečnictví

Security grilles, metal fences, gates, railings or stairs can be made for you by the company Jiří Pek. Our company focuses on work in the field of building locksmithing, metalworking and metal production. We are located in the village Kačice, district Kladno. We also accept orders from the districts of Louny, Rakovník and Beroun. Production, metal production, assembly: - gates, gates, wickets…

PERFECT DOOR s.r.o. - Garážová a průmyslová vrata Praha

In the area of garage doors - residential and industrial, sliding and swing gates and automatic doors, we provide sales, installation and service. We also supply shading technology, louvre screens, fire closures and smoke barriers. For more than 20 years of activity on the market, we have experience with hundreds of realizations for houses and industrial buildings. We are able to repair any…