House and flat furnishings

Equip your household with quality furniture in the form of sofas, beds, tables, chairs, kitchen cabinets, work table and the like. Equip her also interior textiles, namely curtains, carpet and drapes, windows, blinds and other home accessories.

František Vokál

František Vokál offers locksmith work. As part of my activity, I mainly deal with custom metalwork according to the customer's request. You can contact me with a request for the production of railings, gratings, fences and gates, steel structures and other forged products. You can find me in Říčany, part of Radošovice at Edvarda Beneš Street 187/16.


The company STYLSTÍN s.r.o. offers sales and installation of interior and exterior window blinds, skylight shading, fabric blinds, outdoor blinds, screen blinds, Japanese walls, awnings and insect nets. Retail, sales, assembly: - shielding technology - blinds - shading for skylights - fabric blinds - exterior blinds - screen blinds - Japanese walls - awnings - mosquito nets. …

Josef Zalabák

The company Josef Zalabák is engaged in carpentry production. We are engaged in custom carpentry production. We make wardrobes, beds, chests of drawers, bookcases, tables, chairs, built-in wardrobes and more. Custom production, joinery: - wardrobes - beds - dressers - libraries - tables - a chair - built-in wardrobes and more... We are located at Břežany 118, Lešany.

Milan Ledvina - OKENSPRAV

The company OKENSPRAV - Milan Ledvina has many years of experience in the field of building fillings. We provide service and repair of all types of windows. We offer warranty and post-warranty window and door service for apartments and houses. Our activity also includes the installation of shading technology (blinds, blinds, insect nets, etc.). We operate mainly in the district of Pilsen. Our…

Truhlářství Jan Kodym

Truhlářství Jan Kodym se sídlem v okrese Jičín se zabývá veškerými truhlářskými pracemi. V rámci naší činnosti se specializujeme především na návrhy a výrobu kvalitních kuchyní. Dále nabízíme také výrobu vestavěných skříní, kancelářského nábytku, schodů a dalšího vybavení intriérů. Současně prodáváme také dřevo a dřevomateriál. Působíme především v okrese Jičín, popřípadě v celém…

Karel Meluzín

Firma Karel Meluzín se zabývá veškerou činností v oblasti prodeje, montáží, oprav a servisu stínící techniky. V rámci naší činnosti se specializujeme především na dodávku a montáž žaluzií (venkovní, vnitřní, dřevěné, hliníkové, vertikální, horizontální, manuální i elektrické), rolet, markýz, (terasové, balkónové) a sítí proti hmyzu, Současně také nabízíme renovace těsnění u všech typů oken a…

MAPERO s.r.o. - Markýzy Pergoly Rolety

Společnost MAPERO s.r.o. se sídlem ve Velkém Meziříčí se již více než 10 let zabývá činností v oboru stínící a dekorativní techniky,  pohony a automatikou stínící techniky. Samozřejmostí je záruční i pozáruční servis a také opravy stínících zařízení nainstalovaných i jinými dodavateli. Námi nabízené zboží od českých i zahraničních výrobců si můžete vybrat na našem e-shopu. Naše produkty: -…

KA - TOP s.r.o.

Firma KA - TOP s.r.o. se ve Velkém Meziříčí v okrese Žďár nad Sázavou specializuje na velkoobchodní a maloobchodní prodej veškerého topenářského a vodoinstalatérského materiálu pro firmy, řemeslníky a domácí kutily. Současně prodáváme krby, krbová kamna, sporáky, kouřovinu a náhradní díly. Nabízíme také vybavení koupelen a ohřívače vody a čerpadla. Samozřejmostí je také poradenská, montážní a…

ELB Mont s.r.o.

Firma ELB Mont s.r.o. se sídlem v Ostravě se již od roku 2002 zabývá činností v oblasti dodávky, montáže a servisu stínící techniky a také oken a dveří pro vnitřní i venkovní použití. V rámci naší činnosti nabízíme záruční a pozáruční servis všech druhů výplní plastových, hliníkových oken a eurooken, včetně vchodových dveří. Samozřejmostí jsou také pravidelné servisní prohlídky, seřizování,…

INTEKO Sedlec s.r.o.

The company INTEKO Sedlec s.r.o. based in the village of Středokluky in the district of Prague-West, deals with the complex implementation of interiors in the commercial and residential spheres. Thanks to our many years of experience, we provide our customers with complete interior design and implementation. We have our own carpentry and locksmith workshop. We mainly produce restaurant…

JISU kovovýroba s.r.o.

The company JISU metalworking s.r.o. with headquarters in the village of Suchomasty in the district of Beroun deals with locksmith metalwork and the production of steel structures, including the provision of surface protection of steel structures and their assembly. We manufacture, for example, railings, gates, entrance gates and land fencing and support structures made of mesh. At the same…

M+B servis - Miloslav Mostek

The company M+B Servis Miloslav Mostek, based in Třebichovice in the Kladno district, deals with the professional orientation and installation of interior shading technology and insect nets. We offer, for example, standard and design horizontal blinds, as well as vertical and pleated blinds, fabric blinds and insect nets (fixed and opening). We only offer goods from Czech manufacturers that…

bemkys s.r.o.

Hourly husband services. Hour husband Prague. The bemkys s.r.o. company will provide you with high-quality, fast and professional hourly husband services. Our activity includes electrical installation work, assembly of home accessories, plumbing work, masonry, gardening and also locksmith work. We will also take care of laying your floor and assembling furniture. Need help with your…

HILL Systems s.r.o.

The company HILL Systems s.r.o. based in Prague, deals in construction carpentry, furniture production, CNC machining and professional restoration and overhaul in the village of Velký Borek. Our activity includes everything: consultations, passportization, restoration plans, design solutions, production documentation, budgets and calculations, production and assembly. We mainly offer… - Vítězslav Špot

The company operates a store in Frýdlant and also an e-shop with auto parts and spare parts for all car brands. The range offered by us includes not only branded car parts from top manufacturers, but also car parts of a lower price level. Our assortment: - turbochargers - oils and greases - auto-moto - brake discs - shock absorbers - clutch kits - wheel covers - car…

PILA Petrov KN s.r.o.

PILA Petrov KN s.r.o. has a wide variety of activities. It produces and sells wood, firewood, buys and sells wood pulp, solid fuels and heating oils. He carries out carpentry and joinery work: doors, stairs, chairs, built-in wardrobes, kitchens, office furniture, garden houses, pergolas, sheds, garage spaces, windows, doors, fences, furniture, home accessories, chairs, built-in wardrobes,…


Construction company SLOUPSTAV, s.r.o. is a company operating in and around Prague. The company is represented by Mr. Sloup, who has been working in the construction industry in various positions since 1979. We carry out a wide range of construction work: from the reconstruction of panel houses to the insulation of buildings, the construction of turnkey family houses, the construction of…

Truhlářství Vitaliy Markhyvka

Joinery company Vitaliy Markhyvka, based in the village of Chrást nad Sázavou in the Benešov district, deals with custom carpentry production. Part of our activity is the production of kitchen units, staircases, doors, office furniture, solid wood furniture, but also terraces or pergolas from a wide range of materials, including a large number of laminate boards as well as solid wood. We offer…


The TRIO kitchen studio has been providing its services to customers since 2000. We offer kitchens of all price categories, from laminated to foil, veneered, solid, sprays and combinations of materials. We will complete the implementation of your kitchen. From the initial design, through the selection of suitable materials and elements, to the final implementation, assembly and installation…

Vrata Plzeň - Karel Kaňák

Since 2008, the company Karel Kaňák - Vrata Plzeň has been engaged in the supply of door, screening and access systems - garage doors, entrance gates, fences, outdoor blinds, blinds, awnings and insect nets. Installation, including construction work, warranty and post-warranty service is also a matter of course. Delivery and assembly: - garage door - swing and sliding gates, drives -…