Health and health service

Health care facilities general practitioners and specialists provides emergency assistance and long-term solutions to health problems. You can use both the state medical and health facilities, private practice, and pharmacies. Ability to purchase medicines, medical supplies and equipment.

Anna Fojtů - Stomatologie

Anna Fojtů runs an independent dental laboratory in Slavičín in the Zlín district. We manufacture fixed and removable dental prostheses. We also produce dental crowns and bridges in various designs and also in different price ranges. Our services: - dental laboratory - prosthetics - production and repairs of fixed and removable dental prostheses - dental crowns, bridges and more. …

Dobré Ruce, o.s.

Shelter for cats. Non-governmental, non-profit organization, dependent on donations and help from animal lovers. Possibility of virtual adoption of a specific cat. Cat adoption conditions: - the person interested in the animal must be over 18 years of age, carry a valid identity card or other document that replaces it - the animal is transferred to a new home on the basis of a transfer…

a2m bodyform s.r.o.

Komplexní služby v oblasti formování postavy: - zdravý životní styl: - program snižování nadváhy - úpravy hmotnosti díky individuálním stravovacím programům. Služby: - Neinvazivní liposukce - rozpouštění tukových buněk ultrazvukovými vlnami - Non surgical facelift - bezoperační vypnutí pokožky obličeje a dekoltu - Lymfatická drenáž - Lifting - neinvazivní šetrná…