Health and health service

Health care facilities general practitioners and specialists provides emergency assistance and long-term solutions to health problems. You can use both the state medical and health facilities, private practice, and pharmacies. Ability to purchase medicines, medical supplies and equipment.

CBDADDY s.r.o. - Konopné produkty e-shop

Společnost CBDADDY, s.r.o. se specializuje na prodej konopných výrobků a poskytuje rozsáhlý sortiment produktů z této rostliny. Zahrnuje plno spektrálních olejů CBD, ve vodě rozpustné CBD a CBD masti. Pro ty, kteří hledají alternativní způsoby prožívání blahodárných účinků konopných extraktů, poskytujeme širokou škálu vysoce kvalitních vape CBD produktů a příslušenství. Naše CBD oleje, které…

Čistá pohoda s.r.o. - Ekologické produkty pro domov a mazlíčky

Společnost Čistá pohoda, s.r.o. je firma, která se zaměřuje na produkty a služby pro úklid a čistotu Vašich domovů se zvířaty. Jedná se především o vůně do vodních vysavačů, čističek vzduchu, parních čističů, kartáče a o hřebeny pro psy a kočky. K výběru jsou k dispozici perfektní francouzské kartáče a šampony pro efektivní vyčesávání a koupání psů a koček, enzymatické čističe BactoDes, které…

Veterinární centrum Za Kocábou, spol. s.r.o.

Veterinary Center Za Kocabou spol. s ro operates a veterinary practice in Nový Knín, Příbram district. It provides veterinary care in breeding small animals, horses and livestock.  8:00 - 9:00 ambulance  9:00 am - 12:00 pm - ordered patients and surgical procedures 14:00 -17: 00 - ambulance Cases outside regular working hours according to our possibilities by telephone. There are…

Nemocnice Rudolfa a Stefanie Benešov, a.s., nemocnice Středočeského kraje

Rudolf and Stefanie Benešov Hospital, a.s. provides comprehensive medical services to patients from Benešov and the surrounding area. We have a total of twenty specialized health departments, most of which provide both outpatient and inpatient care. An integral part of the complex is also a hospital pharmacy and a shop of medical supplies. You can find us at Máchova 400. Hospital: - outpatient…

Oblastní nemocnice Kolín, a.s., nemocnice Středočeského kraje

Regional Hospital Kolín, a.s., hospital of the Central Bohemian Region provides comprehensive care in a wide range of medical disciplines at a high professional level. Our workplaces are modernly equipped. There are two pharmacies with a wide range of medicines and a medical shop in the hospital area. Department of Kolín Hospital:  - orthopedic department  - Department of Obstetrics and…

VUAB Pharma a.s.

VUAB Pharma a.s. based in Roztoky near Prague, deals with the production and distribution of medicinal substances and platinum specialties for the production of anticancer drugs. We also offer the possibility of contract production of highly active substances and we provide free capacities of our chemical and microbiological laboratories. We are part of a major industrial group SAFICHEM GROUP. We…

Štěpánka Kolářová - rehabilitace, masáže, cvičení

Experienced therapist Štěpánka Kolářová provides rehabilitation and massages in Mladá Boleslav. Exercise, massage and rehabilitation are suitable not only for patients after injuries and operations. They will help everyone who feels exhausted, suffers from back pain, neck pain, migraines, swelling, either as a result of illness or lifestyle. We cooperate with insurance companies, in…

Slánský pediatr s.r.o. - MUDr. Miroslava Šircová

Mrs. Dr. MUDr. Miroslava Šircová provides preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic care for children and adolescents. In our surgery, we perform preventive examinations, examinations for the presence of streptococcus, collection of biological material, CRP test, ear piercing and other medical procedures. You can find us at Vepřkova 853/4, Slaný, district Kladno. Surgery, ambulance: - general…

MVDr. Petr Procházka

Company MVDr. Petr Procházka runs a veterinary practice for small and large animals in Všejany, Mladá Boleslav district. We provide professional and expert care that includes comprehensive diagnostic, preventive and treatment procedures for your pets. As part of preventive activities, we treat dogs, cats, rodents, reptiles, and birds. We carry out vaccinations, chipping, deworming, treatment…

ADVAMED s.r.o. - zdravot.materiál pro kliniky a lékaře

The Advamed company was established in 2013 when the Comesa, spol. s.r.o. company split in two parts. The division of Interventional cardiology and radiology, Urology and Gastroenterology and the Division of consumables went over to the Advamed company, while the Comesa, spol. s.r.o. company continues in its activities in the orthopedic field. The Advamed s.r.o. company is a supplier of…

MUDr. Oldřich Luňák, MUDr. Luňák, s.r.o.

Dr. MUDr. Oldřich Luňák provides its patients with comprehensive preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic care in the field of practical medicine for adults. In our surgery, we perform applications of vaccines, preventive examinations, blood and urine samples, blood pressure measurements and other medical procedures. We are located at Sídl. Štědřík 148, Psáry, district Praha-západ. Surgery,…

Euresis, s.r.o.

Comprehensive medical services in the field of gastroscopy, colonoscopy and sonography are provided by the medical facility Euresis, s.r.o. We perform examinations of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using an endoscope, examination of the large intestine with an endoscope and also examination of the abdominal cavity using ultrasound waves. The surgery is located at Mokropeská 2027, Černošice,…

Optika Cihlářová

In our opticians, you will find the best service and services for your vision and your eyes. Our optician is a family business with a long tradition that offers you a wide range of top services. In our opticians, you will find a wide range of glasses for adults, children and the elderly. We offer a wide range of prescription glasses at unbeatable low prices. We will also help you choose…

MUDr. Magdalena Maxiánová

Mrs. Dr. MUDr. Magdalena Maxiánová provides comprehensive ophthalmological care in her surgery. We perform preventive examinations, professional eye examinations, examination of eye defects, examination of the visual field, examination of the eye background and other professional procedures. You can find us at Lidická 1715, Vlašim, district Benešov. Surgery, ambulance: - ophthalmic,…

Vodohospodářská laboratoř Říčany, s.r.o. - Rozbory a odběry vod

Activity analyzes, water abstraction:  - drinking, surface, waste, pool, swimming pools Perform chemical and microbiological analyzes. We provide microbiological, physicochemical and chemical assays. To analyze the water for individual use, it is possible to pick up the samples in the laboratory and take the samples according to the information given. In case of collection of…

Romantický Hotel Mlýn Karlštejn - H&Hotels s.r.o.

Romantický Hotel Mlýn Karlštejn je skvostně umístěný v malebném prostředí chráněné krajinné oblasti Český kras, přímo na břehu řeky Berounky a v těsné blízkosti středověkého hradu Karlštejn. Tento hotel sídlí ve zrekonstruovaném starobylém vodním mlýně a je ideálním místem pro ty, kteří hledají romantickou atmosféru a klidné prostředí. Nabídka hotelu zahrnuje: Ubytování: Hotel nabízí 21…

Chirurgická ambulance s.r.o.

Surgical ambulance s.r.o. operates a surgery and radiology clinic. We provide clinical outpatient examinations, surgical removal of skin tumors, pigment, birthmarks and other skin formations. We treat fractures with laminate fixation and provide laser therapy. We will provide referrals for surgeries. You can find the surgical and radiology clinic at Malé Náměstí 1700, Benešov.