
Every professional laboratory should be equipped with refrigerators, disinfectants, gauges, weights, laboratory utensils, chemicals, dosing, special furniture, baths, sterilizers and other necessary technology for the most accurate results.

Zemědělské zásobování a nákup Nový Jičín, a.s. (ZZN) - Nákupní sklad Suchdol nad Odrou

Silo. Wholesale, retail, sale, purchase, storage: - cereals - oilseeds - other agricultural crops - fodder. Production: - feed ingredients, mixtures (feeds) - extrusion and pressing. Factory transport and transport to order activity, including truck transport. Laboratory and analysis activity. Receipt and dispatch of wagon shipments. Headquarters: - Šenov u Nové Jičín,…

Laboratoře AGEL a.s.

Laboratories AGEL a.s. focus on health care and perform not only parenting tests, but also examinations and tests for prostate cancer and more. Laboratory: - laboratories of clinical biochemistry - laboratories of clinical genetics - parenthood tests, expert institute - clinical microbiology laboratories - laboratories of immunology and serology - laboratories of clinical hematology …

EUC Klinika Ostrava

Polyclinic EUC clinic Ostrava a.s. in Ostrava there is a non-governmental medical organization with ISO 9001 certification and in its premises it provides professional examinations and above-standard services such as mammography, densitometry, sonography, lymphatic drainage and many others. Within the CZECH TOP 100 evaluation, it ranked among the most stable companies in the Czech Republic. …


Diagnostická laboratoř: - laboratorní servis - informace a edukace k zajištění rychlé diagnostiky pro praktické lékaře a odborné specialisty. Laboratoře: - klinická biochemie a instrumentální metody - hematologická - imunologie a sérologie - klinické mikrobiologie. Sídlo společnosti: - Rožnovská 241, Frenštát pod Radhoštěm.