
Every professional laboratory should be equipped with refrigerators, disinfectants, gauges, weights, laboratory utensils, chemicals, dosing, special furniture, baths, sterilizers and other necessary technology for the most accurate results.

Vodohospodářská laboratoř Říčany, s.r.o. - Rozbory a odběry vod

Activity analyzes, water abstraction:  - drinking, surface, waste, pool, swimming pools Perform chemical and microbiological analyzes. We provide microbiological, physicochemical and chemical assays. To analyze the water for individual use, it is possible to pick up the samples in the laboratory and take the samples according to the information given. In case of collection of…

Masarykova nemocnice Rakovník s.r.o.

Masaryk Hospital Rakovník s.r.o. provides comprehensive medical services in the field of surgery, gynecology, internal medicine, rehabilitation, radiodiagnostics, general medicine and other industries. The hospital has eight wards with 306 beds and provides treatment to patients in 21 outpatient clinics. We are located at Dukelských hrdinů 200 in a beautiful and quiet environment surrounded by…

Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. - BTÚ AV ČR

The mission of the Institute of Biotechnology AS CR, v. V. I. Is basic research in the field of molecular biological sciences and prospectively transfer of biotechnological methods and molecular tools for the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. We are a top research institute and our goal is to produce scientific results that will be translated into clinical practice. Research activity:…


Společnost BIOKLASTR je organizací sdružující na 20 firem, výzkumných institucí a neziskových organizací, které podporují myšlenku spolupráce, vzájemného sdílení potenciálu a chtějí realizovat výzkumné projekty s vysokou přidanou hodnotou v oblasti energetiky a efektivního využití odpadů. BIOKLASTR disponuje výzkumnou laboratoří se zázemím pro vysoce kvalifikované výzkumné pracovníky. V…