Garden design

Beautify your exterior and allow you to design a garden custom made. Landscape architects shall ensure the preparation of three-dimensional design tailored, choose appropriate plants, decorations and artificial materials, shall draw up a quote and ensure the implementation of the project of the garden.

GARD&N UH s.r.o. - Zahradnické služby Uherské Hradiště

The supplier Ing. Ladislava Nagyova GARD & N s.r.o. provides all services in the field of landscape and garden architecture, arboristics - design, realization of new and maintenance of existing gardens and parks, including maintenance, consultancy. We provide landscaping. We will advise you on how to care for greenery and we will also propose a solution for your garden, park, including original…

ARVITA P spol. s r.o. - Projekty pro obnovu krajiny Zlín

ARVITA P spol. s r.o. is a design and consultancy office active in the field of design, protection and creation of landscape. We prepare expert opinions for land consolidation, land reclamation and prepare projects in the framework of planting greenery, orchards and other vegetation and projects for landscape regeneration. Designing, projection, designs:  -generals, studies, plans and…

ARBOREA Březová s.r.o. - Zahradnictví Slušovice

GARDEN WORK: - implementation of gardens, parks - mowing, weeding, aeration, nutrition and lawn restoration - pruning, pruning of woody plants and hedges - testing and pruning of tree plantings - felling of trees - work with a chainsaw - work of a landscape architect SHOP HORTICENTRUM: - Deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs - Azaleas, rhododendrons, small heathland plants …

Jarmanka - Ing. Petr Slovák

Pokud hledáte profesionálního partnera pro vaši zahradu, pak je firma Jarmanka - Ing. Petr Slovák tou pravou volbou. Tato firma se zabývá projektováním zahrad, odbornou konzultací v rámci zahrad, realizací a údržbou zahrad a floristickou činností. Ing. Petr Slovák je zahradní architekt a florista, který vám pomůže vytvořit zahradu podle vašich představ a potřeb. Ať už chcete odpočinkovou,…

Zahrady - Hastík s.r.o.

Horticulture Services Hastík provides professional horticultural services both at home and abroad. From renovation through maintenance to the implementation of gardens and rockeries, he also implements hedges or lawns. Services, design, implementation, maintenance, sale:  - ornamental and conservatory gardens, front gardens, memorial sites and greenery  - gardening services, design,…

Ing. Tomáš Vávra – zakládání a údržba zeleně

The company Zahrady Tomáš Vávra Kroměříž focuses on the establishment, implementation of gardens, biocentres, lawns. We provide seasonal work such as planting and maintenance of greenery, shrubs and lawns for municipalities, cities, businesses and private individuals. We operate in the district of Kromeriz, Olomouc, Brno, Vyskov. The aim is to achieve easier maintenance of the garden or…

Robert Tomečka

Firma Robert Tomečka se zabývá komplexní činností v oblasti zahradnických prací. Naše služby: - kácení stromů - údržba veřejné zeleně - návrhy a realizace zeleně a okrasných zahrad - architektura zahrad - návrhy - zavlažovací systémy pro zahrady aj.

Zahradnictví u rozchodníka spol. s r.o.

Proposals, projections: - ornamental gardens near family houses - greening of company premises - public greenery in towns and villages. Sales in horticulture: - ornamental plants - conifers, witch trees, deciduous trees, shrubs, Japanese maples, perennials and ornamental grasses, climbing plants, rose cords, American hibiscus, annuals and balconies, bulbs, container and portable plants…

Arbo zahrada, s.r.o.

Projection, computer designs, visual animation: -garden -parks / parks /. Realization, construction: -private gardens -public spaces -lawns / lawns / -small garden architecture: -pergollas, trellises, flower walls, water areas. Garden maintenance: -section of trees and shrubs -chemical treatment, fertilization and lawn mowing. Sales, gardening, arboretum: -ornamental trees, trees,…

ARBO CENTRUM - Ing.Luděk Frnka

Projection, computer designs, visual animation: -garden -parks / parks /. Realization, construction: -private gardens -public spaces -lawns / lawns / -small garden architecture: -pergollas, trellises, flower walls, water areas. Garden maintenance: -section of trees and shrubs -chemical treatment, fertilization and lawn mowing. Sales, gardening, arboretum: -ornamental trees, trees,…

GardenMarket, s.r.o.

Garden center. Sale: - assortment of plants: - conifers, deciduous trees and shrubs - woody plants for hedges, mature trees, solitaires - balcony flowers, herbs, perennials, annuals, roses, climbing plants, rhododendrons and azaleas - fruit trees - ornamental grasses - heather - chrysanthemums - substrates, fertilizers. - garden tools - natural stone for the garden …