Bakery products

Baguettes, buns, buns, rolls, bread, croissants, buns, bagels, kaiser rolls, danishes, donuts, cakes and other bakery products you can find in the menus bakeries. You can choose from soya, rye, wheat, dark, white or grahamového pastries.

Velkotržnice Lipence s.r.o.

Velkotržnice Lipence s.r.o. is a sales and storage area with a size of almost 11 ha. You will find with us a wide range of fresh food, packaged, canned or frozen, flowers, dried fruits, fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood. We can also offer you gardening supplies, packaging materials or gift items. Visit us at K Radotínu 492, Prague - Lipenec. Wholesale, wholesale: - food fresh, packaged,…

Vendovy dobroty - Václav Krupička

We manufacture sweet pastries. The most important is the production of leavened dough with fillings. These are Old Bohemian rolls with filling. We currently offer the following dough fillings: - shapes, walnut, poppy, apricot jam, strawberry jam, apples, egg liqueur. In our assortment you will find: - cocoa slices with cottage cheese - puff pastry handkerchiefs - apple cheese, poppy, plum…

Mantler CZ, s.r.o.

Mixes for bakers and confectioners are the mainstay of Solimpex's product range. Mixtures for the preparation of whole grain doughs: - grain mixture - rye mix concentrate for whole grain bread - concentrate for wholemeal bread with cottonseed - soy mixture, concentrate for soy bread and pastries - Korn Variant concentrate for whole grain bread and pastries - Spitz Mix concentrate for…

VIZARD s.r.o.

Since 1996, we have been producing original Medovník according to the traditional Old Slavonic recipe. We place emphasis on hand-made production and fresh ingredients. We offer honeydew classic, caramel and nut honeydew and many other cakes. You can buy our honey pot in retail chains such as Lidl, Kaufland, Tesco, Makro, Billa and Globus. We also distribute abroad - to Slovakia, Germany,…

J.K. - GAZA s.r.o.

V současné nabídce máme 4.000 výrobků od 90 dodavatelů. Velice úzce spolupracujeme se všemi významnými výrobci tj . Knorr, Hügli, Vitana, Nestlé, Podravka – Lagris. V poskytování maximálního servisu odběratelům používáme vlastní autodopravu. Působíme v regionu Prahy a celých středních Čech. V uplynulých letech jsme věnovali velkou pozornost správné hygienické praxi k zajištění bezpečnosti…

Nestlé Česko s.r.o.

Production: - chocolates: -ORION, STUDENT SEAL, DELI, DELISA and others - candies, confectionery: -LENTILKY, BONPARI, HAŠLERKY, JOJO and others -culinary products: - MAGGI - classic soups in a bag, instant soups, instant meals, broths, pasta delicacies, sauces, fixings, juices, mayonnaise, pasta, toppings and herb cubes -drinks: -NESCAFÉ coffee ( -mixture of…

Friesland Česká republika, s.r.o.

Přímý dovozce-importér a distributor pro velkoobchody s potravinami. Sušené smetany do kávy Completa, Bella. Completa - balení: -sklo 400g, 200g -sáček 200g, 80g -jednoporcové balení: tyčinky 20x2, 5g, porce 3g. Completa-50% tuku - balení: -sáček 200g. Completa cappuccino - balení: -sáček 100g. Bella - balení: -sáček 200g -sklo 200g.