Computers and accessories

Sales and service of computer techniques, computers and accessories to homes and offices offers a powerful work and gaming assemblies, unpretentious home computers, and accessories such as keyboard, mouse, speakers, printer, webcam, network elements and other products.

Pavel Vent

Prodej a montáž - kamerové, bezdrátové a zabezpečovací systémy - autohifi - domácí kina Prodej - baterie pro fotopřístroje - baterie pro mobilní telefony Sexshop - afrodisiaka, erotické prádlo, vakuové pumpy, gely a oleje, , zadečky, Venušiny kuličky, vibrátory (We-vibe II, ...) Internetový obchod - výpočetní technika - příslušenství - vibe II …

Jiří Bouchal

Services: - photographic - web design - creation of websites, web presentations - optimization for SEO search engines - backup - data. Graphic designs: - logos, banners, billboards, billboards, business cards, printed materials. Repair, service: - computers, laptops. Internet sales, e-shop: - cosmetics containing natural hyaluronic acid -hair cosmetic.