Computers and accessories

Sales and service of computer techniques, computers and accessories to homes and offices offers a powerful work and gaming assemblies, unpretentious home computers, and accessories such as keyboard, mouse, speakers, printer, webcam, network elements and other products.

FAS Computers, s.r.o.

Služby: - poskytování připojení k internetu a služeb s tím spojených - server hostingu - web hosting - poskytování služby VoIP telefonie - správa telekomunikačních systémů - správa, výstavba a audit datových sítí - kabelových i bezdrátových - správa dat - servis výpočetní techniky – opravy pc Maloobchod: - výpočetní technika.

ProPos Partner s.r.o.

Prodej počítačů BARBONE vyráběných dle norem ISO 9001:2001 a ISO 14001:2005. Poradenská činnost v oblasti HW a SW. Tvorba WWW, registrace domén a další. Na základě usnesení Krajského soudu v Plzni č.j. KSPL 20 INS 33625/2013-A-10 ze dne 5.2.2014 bylo rozhodnuto o úpadku dlužníka. Účinky tohoto rozhodnutí nastaly dne 5.2.2014 v 08:16 hodin. Usnesení nabylo právní moci dne 5.3.2014.

Václav Špryňar - VENYSOFT

The company Václav Špryňar - VENYSOFT deals with the design, implementation and management of computer networks. We are certified Premium Line partners, we provide a 25-year warranty on the network created by us. Services: - design, implementation and management of computer networks - wholesale of components associated with the implementation of the network (PC, printers, consumables) -…

Ondřej Tutsch

High-quality and fast computer service is only one of our services. These services include not only computer repairs and laptop servicing, but also data rescue and recovery, cleaning, virus removal, etc. Don't worry about the fact that you don't really understand computers. Do not hesitate and use our NON-STOP line, which is here for you. We will help you solve the problems.

Ing. Radek Zálešák

Services: sale of own computers and printers, new and refurbished from Germany computer repairs and upgrades laptop repairs construction of computer networks - cabling installation and administration of Windows / Linux / Novell networks and servers installation and administration of accounting, warehousing and corporate programs construction of camera systems with long-term recording,…