Education and science

Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Ludvík Zíka

Výroba, montáž a prodej: -vzduchotechnická zařízení -potrubní a atypické vzduchotechnické prvky -filtrační boxy, lapače jisker, lapače nečistot Prodej a dodávka filtrů (kapsové, patronové, deskové…). Záruční i pozáruční servis, revize protipožárních klapek. Výroba klempířských prvků. Školení obsluhy vzduchotechnických zařízení.

NA BIDÝLKU - Martina Nováková

Family pension near the towns of Frýdlant and Liberec. Ceramic studio. Production: - ceramic objects - useful and decorative ceramics: - mugs, bowls, bowls, vases, aroma lamps, oil lamps, bells, house signs, Christmas decorations - beaded earrings, necklaces, bracelets. Organizing: - art and experience courses - holiday ceramic stays for children.

VEGIT-POINT a vegetariánská jídelna Esence - Vít Jirsa

Operation of a vegetarian canteen and ESENCE bistro. Lunch delivery - phone: 608918333. Production, baking: - own pastries - sourdough bread, baguettes, pumpkin bread - sweet muffins, chocolate-nut cookies, chocolate bars, coconut balls, Christmas cookies. Production: - selected pear jam - spreads - tofu, chickpea and beetroot spread - fermented vegetables - wheat tartare. …

321 Akce!, s.r.o.

Moderation of events: -celebrations, press conferences, company parties, balls. Complete technical support for events: - production, cameraman, photographer, sound engineer, lighting, director, editor, technician. Production: - we will prepare the event on a turnkey basis. We will provide photo documentation of the events, shoot a video, edit a DVD. Public relations, media representation.

BEPOSYS s.r.o.

The company BEPOSYS s.r.o. is focused on occupational safety, fire protection, training and inspection, SAP services. We operate in Liberec, Jablonec nad Nisou, Turnov, Česká Lípa, Mladá Boleslav, Prague and throughout the Czech Republic. Services of our company: - safety - fire protection - training and revision - SAP services If you are interested in our services, do not…