Education and science

Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

FOXON s.r.o.

The company FOXON s.r.o. deals with the sale of hardware / software. They are intended for companies mainly for control systems SIEMENS SIMATIC, Allen-Bradley, Mitsubishi and others. - sales of software applications in the field of industrial communication OPC, PROFIBUS, PROFINET - modems for remote management of control systems - PROFIBUS network analysis tools - sales of MPI / PROFIBUS…

Jiří Mečíř - PPS Liberec

PPS Liberec will take care of fire protection and work safety in your company's building, office or production facility. We will provide comprehensive services in PO and health and safety. Services: - ensuring the performance of the PO and OSH technician function - carrying out preventive fire inspections by a professionally qualified person according to the deadlines set by legislation -…

Bc. Luboš Mrklas - Techproservis

Firma Bc. Luboš Mrklas - Techproservis provides comprehensive services in the area of fire protection and safety at work in the district of Jablonec nad Nisou and its surroundings. We also carry out inspections, inspections, repairs and functional tests of fire safety equipment, portable fire extinguishers, hydrants, employee training and fire protection coatings. You can find us at Lovecká 34,…

Integrovaná střední škola, Vysoké nad Jizerou, Dr. Farského 300, příspěvková organizace

The integrated secondary school Vysoké nad Jizerou is a school with a long tradition, which was founded in 1920 and since then has served the purpose of vocational education. We enable our students to study in both teaching and graduation fields. They can choose, for example, the focus of autotronics, logistics and financial services, operator - logistics, bodybuilder, car painter and more. We…

Penzion U Potůčku

The mission of MB Services and Training, z. ú. is to look for ways that enable people to develop key life skills, support permanent personality development, and contribute to equal opportunities in society. Our goal is to create a comprehensive support system that will not only be based on short-term education of employees of individual companies and organizations, but on ensuring a long-term…

My Ski School s.r.o. - lyžařská škola v Harrachově

Výuka lyžování pro děti jednoduchou hravou formou v centru Harrachova. Lyžařské a snowboardové kurzy pro dospělé. Půjčovna sportovních potřeb hned vedle Horské služby asi 200 metrů od nástupní stanice sedačkové lanové dráhy Delta. Výukový svah naproti půjčovně. V nabídce najdete kromě sjezdových lyží i ty běžové, skialpové, na telemark, dále také snowboardy a sněžnice. Vybavení se věnujeme s…

Montessori, z. s.

Montessori Kindergarten is dedicated to children aged 2, 5 to 7 years and offers an individual approach. The capacity of the kindergarten is 60 children, we apply the Marie Montessori method, we strive for the harmonious development of the personality, where the child learns through his own creativity. The founder is Montessori, z. S. And the kindergarten is located at Zámecká 223/10, Jablonec…

Dětské centrum Neználek - DC NEZNÁLEK z. s.

The Neználek Children's Center provides babysitting for children aged 1 to 6 years. We run a nursery and nursery with a limited capacity of 17 children, which allows an individual approach to each child. We also offer one-off or one-off babysitting according to free DC capacity. Attendance of children is always planned individually and you can choose morning, afternoon or all-day stay as well as…

Základní škola a Mateřská škola Pod Ralskem 572, Mimoň, příspěvková organizace

Elementary school and Kindergarten Mimoň provides its pupils with comprehensive pre-school and school education. We emphasize the versatility of the acquired knowledge and skills and the widest possible satisfaction of the individual needs of the pupils. You can find us at Sídliště pod Ralskem 572. Primary school: - comprehensive education for 1st and 2nd level - nine-year primary school -…

Veřejná lyžařská škola Semily

The Semily Public Ski School teaches winter sports. We offer skiing and snowboarding lessons for children and adults. Participants in our courses are always divided into teams according to age and performance. Lessons take place on the ski slope in Semily, or go to nearby ski resorts. Our aim is to learn and improve in "skiing" and "snowboarding", to learn safe movement in the snow and in the…

David Vosáhlo

KONSTRUKČNÍ KANCELÁŘ: - návrh, vývoj a konstrukce jednoúčelových zařízení dle potřeb zákazníka - vývoj, design a vizualizace nových výrobků - automatizace výrobních procesů - konstrukce robotizovaných pracovišť - výpočty a pevnostní analýzy strojních částí a celků - převod 2D dokumentace do 3D, úpravy 3D dat - technické poradenství a konzultace - technická podpora při výrobě a…

PIROS Czech s.r.o.

The company PIROS focuses on the education of employees in the private and public spheres. Our sales representatives will tailor a training program directly for your organization. If you are not sure how to start with education in your company, but you know that you want to be educated, you can use the so-called internal audit.

Pavel Fejfar - Agentura Absolvent

Advice to budding entrepreneurs - graduates, namely in commercial law, financial education and labor law, business correspondence courses, introduction to rhetoric, introduction to marketing. For future employees, orientation on the labor market, partial qualifications, national system of qualifications and professions. Courses and educational events, tutoring in mathematics, physics and…

Jeřáby Jaroš

Společnost Jeřáby Jaroš se zabývá servisem, revizemi, inspekcí a pronájmem jeřábů. Věnujeme se nejen údržbě a modernizaci mostových a věžových jeřábů, ale také vývojem, konstrukcí a výrobou elektronických zařízení pro zvedací stroje a průmysl. Montáže přetěžovacích zařízení, radiově dálkových ovládání, frekvenčních měničů a inteligentních řízení jeřábů. Provádíme také školení jeřábníků a…


SINGING ROCK s.r.o. je dynamická firma, která se specializuje na poskytování školení a poradenství v oblasti práce ve výškách a osobních ochranných prostředků. S více než 16 lety zkušeností a přes 55 000 proškolených účastníků, firma nabízí širokou škálu služeb, včetně: - Periodické kontroly osobních ochranných prostředků a záchytných systémů. - Poradenství v oblasti bezpečnosti a…


The company is headquartered in Liberec, but provides services to customers in other regions as well (Ústecký region, Středočeský region, the capital Prague, etc.). The services are for customers from many industries, both private and public organizations. It focuses on fire protection, occupational safety and occupational health services. Services are provided through professionally…

Arno Vino, s.r.o.

Import and sale of high quality wines. Sommelier service. Gift wrapping for business partners, friends and loved ones. Training of professional staff, interested parties and wine lovers. Advice on compiling private wine collections and investments in wine. Guided wine tastings, seminars and themed dinners (pairing of wines and dishes).