Atelier A1, s.r.o.
Activity: - services in the field of fire protection and occupational safety - training of PO and OSH employees
Activity: - services in the field of fire protection and occupational safety - training of PO and OSH employees
Služby: - kurzy vaření
E-shop: - art supplies - gift items - handmade products - Czech Hobby Spagháty Art courses - oil painting - drawing - gift vouchers available Sales, retail - handmade products - art supplies - gift items.
Organizing - conferences in the field of logistics and trade Organizing - trade fairs in the field of logistics and trade Organizing - golf tournaments Organizing - professional seminars and courses in the field of logistics and trade Organization - social events.
Projection, consultancy: - automation and control - technical production support - development of software for operations management - quality in production. Courses and seminars for maintenance personnel, programmers and managers in the field of independent solutions in automation
Services: - organization of trainings and seminars - audits and analyzes of company processes
Services: -babysitting. -House cleaning. -watching, walking dogs. -tutoring (primary school) -organization of birthday parties for children.
Angličtina Callanovou metodou.
Services: - company training - teaching for the public - teaching English via the Internet
Administrative activities Development of technical improvements and graphic designs
Seminars, courses and trainings: - managerial, communication, presentation and teaching skills - conflict resolution skills - conducting meetings - team behavior and teamwork - bookkeeping SVJ.
Lifting equipment. Assembly, repairs and reconstruction: - cranes Repairs and reconstruction: - hoists - movable work platforms Training: - crane operators - binders.
Professor of the Department of International Law - Faculty of Law.
Activity: - services in the field of OSH and PO - professional courses and training - revision (lifting equipment, pressure vessels, fire dampers, hydrants, fire extinguishers)
Sales, inspection, service: - fire extinguishers and hydrants Health and safety services. Filling of CO2 bottles.
Pořádání - lyžařské tábory pro děti na klíč - lyžařské zájezdy do Rakouska pro dospělé, sportovní oddíly, školy v přírodě - školy a školky v přírodě Zprostředkování - ubytování pro jednotlivcezdravotní dozor - instruktoři Pořádání - sportovní akce - turnaje - soustředění - míčové sporty (volný čas) Autorizovaný dealer - sportovní vybavení ROYAL a…
Jan Svitlík runs a dance school. Dance classes in the center of Prague on the Jiřího z Poděbrad and Můstek metro lines. Separate courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced. Lessons for adults, teenagers, juniors and children.
Translations and interpreting: - English - French - German - Russian - Polish - Slovak - Ukrainian - Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch Another services: - proofreading - courses for companies - preparation for state exams - private Lessons - conversation
Výuka - angličtina - němčina - francouzština - ruština - španělština
International primary, secondary and higher education.
Services: - personal development and career counseling - organizing trainings, seminars and conferences - foreign language teaching and translation - accounting and tax records - providing Hosting and professional services in the field of product sales support - provision of catering and banquets, including service and hostesses - cleaning companies and households at a professional level. …
Mediation - medical services Education - guard - trainee detective
Vydavatelství učebnic a pomůcek sídlící ve městě Poštát v okrese Přerov nabízí zájemcům pomůcky pro intenzivní výuku hudební výchovy, které jsou určené pro žáky MŠ, ZŠ, speciálních škol i pro postižené a slabozraké děti, ZUŠ, studenty odborných škol, mimoškolní zařízení, učitele a zájemce. Současně také pořádáme akreditovaný zácvikový kurz „Potštátský houslový klíč“. Jedná se o zácvikový hudební…
Poradenská činnost - numerologie Pořádání - kurzy - semináře Poradenská činnost - kineziologie