Education and science

Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Arbonet, s.r.o.

Arbonet, s.r.o., expert institute, arboriculture professional and expert opinions - trees, tree assessment, tree stability diagnosis, tree tensile test, tree measurement with an acoustic tomograph training courses in arboriculture - lifelong education, practical tree cutting courses technical supervision of arboriculture arboriculture - implementation - tree cutting, felling trees in…

Argo d.t., s.r.o.

Services: -educational and consulting activities Training and development programs: -communication skills -management skills -managerial minimum for champions - persuasion, argumentation, negotiation - the art of impressive presentation - stress management, psychohygiene and relaxation -emotional management, emotions in sales - introducing and managing change, managing change…

AMIGAS jazyková škola, s.r.o.

Language school with a 12-year tradition in the center of Brno. Languages taught: English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Russian. Corporate language training - English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Russian. Specialization in teaching the English language using the world-famous Callan method. In the post-secondary studies, the possibility to study English and Spanish with the…

Ing. Roman Frelich - Safety Kyjov

Firma Safety Kyjov - Ing. Roman Frelich se sídlem v Kyjově nabízí komplexní služby poradenství a servisu v oblasti bezpečnosti práce a požární ochrany. Současně zajišťuji také kompletní školení BOZP a PO zaměstnanců, vedoucích pracovníků, preventistů PO i preventivních požárních hlídek. V rámci nabízených služeb nabízím zpracování a následnou pravidelnou revidenci dokumentace BOZP a PO tak,…

ASPK, s.r.o.

Center for assessing the competence of laboratories for tests in the implementation of road transport. As already mentioned, the specialization of our company is the activity related to the assessment of the competence of laboratories in the implementation of roadways. In 2012, the Center for Proficiency Testing Programs successfully passed the accreditation process and is accredited as…