Education and science

Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Marie Javorská

Retraining sewing courses - accredited training center of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Czech Republic, production of skirts, blouses and dresses, women's costumes and coats, men's suits, men's coats and jackets, cutting of clothes, alterations and repairs of clothes, sewing courses - for beginners - a course in the construction of haircuts - weekend sewing course - sewing…

Mgr. Sylva Ficová

Translations of professional and general texts from and into English. Proofreading of Czech and English texts, editorial adjustments. Processing of PR materials, contracts and press releases. Translation, subtitle timing. Interpreting during business negotiations. Language consultations. Teaching English.

Mgr. Šárka Jiřičná

Prodej - šperky z autorských vinutých perlí autorská móda E - shop - perle, perličky, dřevěné a skleněné korálky - potřeby pro kreativní výtvarníky korálky, magnety, perličky, dráty, jehly, rokajly a krystaly - potřeby pro korálkování, pro výrobu vinutých perlí Vydává - tvořivý dvouměsíčník KORÁLKY Pořádání - kurzy korálkování, ketlování a FIMO Prodej -…