Education and science

Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Golf Academy Praha - Pavel Nič

GolfAcademy is a family golf academy operating in Prague since 1993, the founder of which is a prominent figure in Czech golf, Mr. PAVEL NIČ. We present to you the most famous academy that educated such players as Klára Spilková or Petr Nič. We currently organize individual, group, for beginners and advanced, for adults and children or for whole families golf trainings and courses. There…

Gymnázium K.V.Raise a Střední odborné učiliště, Hlinsko, Adámkova 55

The K.V.Raise Grammar School and the Secondary Vocational School in their four-year and eight-year fields provide their students with the opportunity to obtain a complete secondary education. Pupils can attend general studies at a grammar school, which prepares its graduates for subsequent studies at universities of various specializations and ends with a school-leaving examination. Or they…