
Courses offered as study foreign languages, also cooking, painting, play a musical instrument or social and communication skills, which finds application in the employment sphere. Use the services of a certified workplaces and learn new skills.

Martina Poštová

Translation agency: -court translations and interpretation of English and German language -teaching AJ and NJ -Public relations - translations of legal, commercial, economic texts -translations of contracts, powers of attorney, birth certificates, death certificates, certificates, diplomas -translations of websites.

Pons Consulting s.r.o.

The company Pons Consulting s.r.o. was founded in 1998. The company philosophy is based on the support of employees on the one hand and employers on the other. With its strategy in the form of its own personnel and business methods, it ensures the maximum result for all parties involved. The company Pons Consulting s.r.o. through its personnel methods, it ensures the fulfillment of…

CHEZAK spol. s r.o.

Výroba a montáž: - ocelové konstrukce - zámečnické prvky - tlakové nádoby, revize a projekce. Montáž, revize, projekty: - potrubí - ocel, měď, plast. Služby: - svařování SVÁŘEČSKÁ ŠKOLA: - telefon 353236618