
Courses offered as study foreign languages, also cooking, painting, play a musical instrument or social and communication skills, which finds application in the employment sphere. Use the services of a certified workplaces and learn new skills.

Plavecký klub PROSEN Louny, z.s.

Hledáte způsob, jak propojit zdravý životní styl, zábavu a sportovní ducha? Plavecký klub PROSEN Louny, z.s. je právě to pravé místo pro vás a vaši rodinu! Nacházíme se v srdci města Louny a nabízíme širokou škálu plaveckých aktivit pro všechny věkové kategorie. Plavecký klub PROSEN Louny, z.s. působí jako oddíl závodního plavání a reprezentuje město Louny výsledky svých svěřenců v působnosti…

Emco - drive s.r.o.

Chcete získat řidičské oprávnění, zdokonalit své řidičské dovednosti nebo navrátit svůj řidičský průkaz po zákazu řízení nebo po vybodování? Pak je pro vás autoškola Emco - drive s.r.o. tou správnou volbou. Autoškola Emco - drive s.r.o. je tým zkušených a klidných lektorů s mnohaletou praxí, kteří vám nabízejí kvalitní a individuální výuku za příznivé ceny. Autoškola Emco - drive s.r.o.…

Pavel Mrnka

Mr. Pavel Mrnka focuses on the sale and inspection of fire extinguishers, fire hydrants and fire extinguishers. It also provides services in the field of safety and health at work and also in the field of fire protection. The company is located in the town of Lom at K hájovně 788, Most district. Purchase, sale, revision: - extinguishers - hydrants - fire extinguishing accessories. …

Friedrich Fire Stop s.r.o.

The company Friedrich Fire Stop s.r.o. with headquarters in Žitenice in the district of Litoměřice offers comprehensive services in the field of fire protection of buildings. We are primarily concerned with preventing the risks of occurrence and consequences of fire in buildings. Our services: - safety and Health protection during work - fire protection of buildings - training and…

Lukáš Malík

Offer of individual lessons in English, German, Russian, Czech and Italian for companies, students and children. Preparation for international exams and matriculation. Translations and interpreting from and into languages, and between languages. Certified court translations and court interpretation. English, German, Italian, French.

Bridge Academy CZ s.r.o.

We first started programming in Minecraft circles in 2018 at selected schools in Most (specifically 1st grade, 7th grade and 18th grade). We went into it as a group of enthusiasts involved in the BRIDGE Academy association with the aim of supporting the technological education of our children and their friends. We were inspired by the association Nvias from Pilsen, which opened similar circles…

Věra Bačíková

We offer a comprehensive service in the field of safety and health at work - health and safety, as well as in the field of fire protection - fire protection and critical points system - HACCP. Occupational hygiene. Elaboration of documentation, training of employees, representation during inspections. We also offer fire extinguishers, first aid kits. Our company Věra Bačíková - BOZP, PO with its…

Klub Smarties - taneční a pohybové kroužky pro děti

We organize dance and movement classes for children from 3 years old, focused on musical movement activities, dance preparation, movement activities, perception of music, dance choreography, all in the rhythm of Disco Dance, Street Dance, L.A. Style, MTV Style, Free Style, RnB, Latin American Dance, Oriental Dance and Aerobics. We organize Zumba classes for youth and adults with a licensed Zumba…

SDZP družstvo

SDZP cooperative was founded in 2003 and is primarily dedicated to securing and creating employment opportunities for the disabled and facilitating their professional and personal growth. Among the activities that our cooperative focuses on wiring, low-voltage assembly, Outsourcing, security services, courses and training, telemarketing and contact center services or operation of technical…