Waste collection and purchase

Collection of secondary raw materials bought from companies and individuals steel, stainless steel, cables, electric motors, ferrous metals, copper, bronze, aluminum and iron. Purchase prices are individual and differ for each semen collection. Payments for repurchase are accounted for in kilograms.

AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. - Provozovna Jindřichův Hradec

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

RUMPOLD s.r.o.

Firmy skupiny RUMPOLD poskytují komplexní služby v oblasti nakládání s odpady jak pro města a obce, tak i pro průmyslové podniky, živnostníky, včetně obchodních řetězců. Sběr, svoz a transport všech druhů odpadů je zajišťován nejmodernější technikou.

OPAMETAL s.r.o. - Kovošrot a sběrné suroviny

Dačice plant of OPAMETAL s.r.o. z Opavy provides services in the field of collection materials such as non-ferrous metals, ferrous scrap, car batteries, paper, cardboard, plastic, catalysts, electric motors and accumulators. It is located on the premises of Stavcent, where it provides a wide range of services. One of the options is the collection of raw materials, which is oriented to:  …