Waste collection and purchase

Collection of secondary raw materials bought from companies and individuals steel, stainless steel, cables, electric motors, ferrous metals, copper, bronze, aluminum and iron. Purchase prices are individual and differ for each semen collection. Payments for repurchase are accounted for in kilograms.

EKOSFERA spol. s r.o.

The company EKOSFERA spol. s r.o. provides comprehensive environmental services with a focus on the management of hazardous waste and hazardous chemicals. We are based in Ústí nad Labem and operate in the Ústí Region. Waste management services:  - hazardous waste management  - liquid waste collection (faecal superstructure 5 m3)  - keeping records of waste  - preparation of identification…


Demontáž,likvidace: -kovové konstrukce -ocelové haly -velkoobjemové nádrže a zásobníky -kovové technologie -železniční vlečky -transformátory a jiné. Výkup a zpracování: -odpady železné,ocelové a litinové -antikorové a ostatní legované ocelové odpady -veškeré barevné kovy -odstrojené autovraky -olověné akumulátorové baterie i s elektrolytem. Dopravní technika: …

TILIA MĚLNÍK spol.s r.o.

Purchase, collection: - secondary materials - non-ferrous metals, iron scrap, paper. Services: - complete services in the field of waste management - plastic processing - transportation of hazardous waste - shredding of forms. Container transport, road transport: - removal of debris and soil. Work: - demolition - demolition. Sale: - useful and metallurgical material.

SEDRUS s.r.o.

Our primary activity is the purchase of secondary raw materials and the disposal of technological units. Today, we have expanded our activities to include other activities - ecological disposal of vehicles, construction activities, container trucking and space cleaning in the Liberec region. Room cleaning - we perform for individuals and companies Ecological disposal of technological…