Služby: - nákladní silniční doprava - zemní práce.
Služby: - nákladní silniční doprava - zemní práce.
Provádíme pokládání a lepení PVC, koberců, parket, plovoucích podlah i korkových čtverců včetně dodávek materiálu.
Dodávka staveb. Nabídka inženýrských, klempířských, pokrývačských a elektromontážních prací. Zajištění údržby, oprav a rekonstrukcí. Prodej stavebnin.
Production, sale: - solid wood furniture.
We manufacture components, complex modules and systems for the car interior and engine part, as well as anti-heat shields and underbody linings. The company's main customers include the world's largest car manufacturers in major markets such as Europe, North America, South America and Asia. Services: - tool making - machining - locksmithery. Autoneum CZ s.r.o. Tool shop Hnátnice…
Zabýváme se: - stavba, rekonstrukce rodinné domy - rekonstrukce střechy.
Sales, e-shop: - yardage -home textiles -gifts. Custom sewing: -bags, seat cushions, bedding, bedspreads, pillows, duvets, guardrails, canopies, sheets, towels, towel cakes, gift wrapping of wine, beer....candles.
We offer: - plumbing, heating work.
Služby: - airbrush na libovolný podklad podle předlohy nebo vlastního návrhu. od 25.01.2017 do 31.12.2022
Sale: - floor materials - furniture - mattress. Flooring services.
Provádíme: - zednické práce - obkladačské práce - zateplování budov - rekonstrukce.
Custom production: - gazebos, pergolas - floating floors - inbuilt wardrobe.
Services: - electrical revisions - electrical work.
We provide: - insulation against moisture and groundwater - radon insulation - plumbing work.
Servis, opravy, čištění: - plynové kotle.
Services: - plumbing work - heating works - renovation of bathrooms and apartment cores - installation and repair of shower enclosures - supply and installation of fixtures, water meters, radiators, water heaters and others - sewer cleaning
Production: -grain bins - electrical switchboards. Sale: - agricultural techniques -MIGATRONIK welding techniques. Construction: - technical equipment for agricultural production - lightning rods. Service: -cooling and milking techniques. Locksmith work. Electrical work. Freight transport-LIAZ, crane. Earthwork.
Michal Karvay offers all earthmoving and excavation work. We provide a wide range of activities such as excavations, landscaping, digging foundations of houses, swimming pools, house connections, all machine and hand. We also provide demolition and demolition of buildings. Our services, which we are able to provide also cleaning and clearing of residential and commercial premises and…