
Even today, the craft still indispensable. Upholstery, tailoring, construction craft work, art work, mechanical engineering craft, chimney sweeping, restoration work and other crafts are necessary in everyday life of each person.

ATLANTIS Pardubice s.r.o.

- klempířské práce - střechy - oplechování - tesařské práce - pokrývačské práce - rekonstrukce střech - opravy střech - stavební firmy - práce - kontejnerová přeprava - likvidace odpadů - auto s hydraulickou rukou - lešení - izolace - zateplování střech.

KOVO JŠ s.r.o.

Engineering. Work: - locksmith and assembly: - focus on maintenance of machines and equipment - welding: - manual welding in a protective atmosphere (stainless steel, steel, aluminum) - conventional machining, turning, drilling, milling - paints - primers. Production. - building steel structures - load-bearing and non-load-bearing - technological constructions -…

Mendax s.r.o.

Car repair shop, car service. Repair: - personal cars - lorries. Tire service. Car dealership. Assisting services. Truck transport by TATRA vehicles. Preparatory earthworks.