
Drywall is an affordable building material that fits into all interiors, allows for the construction without the occurrence of construction waste, thanks to the low weight with him well handled and does not affect the structural stability of the property. The application of drywall is in addition easy.

MPL TRADING, spol. s r.o.

Wholesale, warehouse: -building materials, building materials: -plasterboards, ceilings -heat, sound insulation -wall materials -building foils -laminate, wooden floors -roof windows -doors, door frames -dry mortar mixtures -chimney systems -construction chemistry -interior, facade paints -decorative plasters -insulation systems. Services: -mixing…

Jan Vald

Velux skylights Carpentry. Roofing. Plasterboard. Work, assembly: - carpentry - roofing - turnkey roofs, including delivery of material - plasterboard - floating floors

DAREK - Daniel Přikryl s.r.o.

In the company DAREK - Daniel Přikryl s.r.o. we will ensure the mixing of colors and you can also buy everything from building materials to painting or garden tools. According to the customer's needs, we are also ready to provide trucking with our own vehicles. Our other activities include earthworks and we are newly included in the NEW GREEN SAVINGS program. What we do: - mixing of interior…

Stavebniny Beran Jan s.r.o.

Stavebniny Beran Jan s.r.o. je moderní samoobslužná prodejna stavebnin. Stavební centrum a koupelnové studio nabízí široký výběr stavebních materiálů, výrobků, pomůcek a nářadí pro dům, byt, dílnu a zahradu. Velkoobchod, maloobchod: - stavebniny, stavební materiál - stavební materiál pro stavbu domu od základů až po střechu - zateplovací systémy - izolační materiály - okna, dveře,…

Pavla Flášarová Dis

Building materials. Retail: -building materials - insulating materials - foil, ladders - tiling and paving -roof coverings -gardening and husbandry supplies - aquatic material - tools - paints, varnishes, primalexes etc

STAVIVAN, s.r.o.

Velkoobchod, maloobchod: -stavební materiál zdící -cihly HURDIS -cement -vápno -omítky (vnitřní, vnější, izolační) -lepenky -bitagit, sklobit, isover, rockwool, prefizol -polystyren -sádrokarton -dlažby -obklady -stropní podhledy -krytina BRAMAC -okna VELUX -těsnící tmely -lepidla. Odvoz materiálu zajistíme. Prodejní doba: -zimní-pondělí-pátek 7-16 hod* -letní-pondělí-pátek 7…


STAVEBNINY VAJBAR s.r.o. - with us you will find a complete range of building materials and building materials, including delivery to the building. Tiling, paving, building insulation, reinforcing steel, profiles, doors and windows are in one place. We also provide custom color mixing in a wide range of shades. We provide the highest quality services and services at stores near Břeclav - in…


Are you looking for a company in which you can get quality building materials and building materials from well-known brands such as Tondach, Rova, Velux, Isover, Orsil, Porotherm, Ytong, Keratherm, Supertherm or Porfix? Visit one of STAVEBNINY VAJBAR s.r.o. in Husopeče, Podivín or Bořetice near the town of Břeclav. Our trained staff will provide you with expert advice on the selection of…

Stapox VB s.r.o.

Wholesale and retail of flooring - sale of rubber flooring -PVC, Novilon, Vinyl. Building materials -retail, sales, distribution - a complete assortment of building materials -building material for construction - tiles and tiling - outdoor paving, concrete products - transport and sale of sand. Transportation of construction material, car with hydraulic arm.

Jiří Kozel

Installation of plastic windows and doors, plastic windows, window including external and internal parapet and blinds. Masonry work. Plastic windows and doors. Safety outdoor blinds. Awnings and blinds. Summer gardens. Floors and Floating floors. Housing cores. Insulation and repair of facades. Painting works. Tiles, tiling. Castle tiles. Plasterboard. Turnkey construction work. …

CONTEMP Koupelnové studio - Ing.František Kudrna

Bathroom studio, bathroom design, bathroom renovation. Retail, complete bathroom equipment: -tiling, paving - Apavisa, Aparici, Rako -facade tiling Cerrad, Paradyz -adhesive sealants - Excelmix, Knauf, Mapei -molding sealants Knauf, Ceresit, Mapei. Wholesale: -facade thermal insulation systems Knauf, Rigips, Bautherm -finishing and stair rails Peli, Schlüter -bathroom furniture Lebon,…