
Drywall is an affordable building material that fits into all interiors, allows for the construction without the occurrence of construction waste, thanks to the low weight with him well handled and does not affect the structural stability of the property. The application of drywall is in addition easy.

Václav Navrátil SDP

Zednické a stavební dokončovací práce lehčího druhu: - veškeré práce navazující na hrubou stavbu, rekonstrukce a revitalizace interiéru, ať už v ložnici či koupelně, od podlahy po strop. - montáž sádrokartonu, pokládka dlažby, malířské práce, obklady, fasády a mnoho dalšího.

Ivana Kajtarová - Stavebniny U tří koček

Building materials U tří koček in Moravské Beroun will supply you with building materials and tools for your house, building and garden, including loose mixes. After agreement, we will deliver all our goods to you by our own transport. We are constantly expanding our assortment, where you can find: - material for rough construction - mortar mixes - tiles and floors - concrete products -…

Raab Karcher

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…

Raab Karcher

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…

Bohuslav Háděl - Bohouškovy barvy

Craft work: - painting work, painting work - facade coatings, facade cleaning, facade insulation - installation of plasterboard - waterproofing of balconies, terraces and garages - decorative surface treatment of walls and floors - implementation of complete reconstruction of buildings, offices, houses and apartments - remedial plasters - floor coverings, screeds and coatings. Sale…

Miroslav Soldán

Obkladačské práce. Rekonstrukce koupelen, rekonstrukce bytových jader. Montáž sádrokartonů. Pokládka veškerých druhů kamenických obkladů, dlažeb betonových a dlažeb z přírodního materiálu.