Pila ANDRÝSEK - Pavel Andrýsek
Pila. Pilařská výroba, zpracování dřeva (dřevo): -přířezy paletové, parketové -palety -palivové dřevo -vazby. Práce: -pořez kulatiny do průměru 1m a délky min. 70cm. Průmyslová zóna Nedakonice.
Pila. Pilařská výroba, zpracování dřeva (dřevo): -přířezy paletové, parketové -palety -palivové dřevo -vazby. Práce: -pořez kulatiny do průměru 1m a délky min. 70cm. Průmyslová zóna Nedakonice.
Production, sale: Saw. Sawmill production, wood production, sales: -firewood - construction lumber, - wooden beams, beams, boards, prisms, slats. Cut: - logs - wood, wood.
KUNOVICE SAW. WHOLESALE, RETAIL, SALES, PRODUCTION, WOOD PRODUCTION: -80% oak lumber -wooden boards, boards -wooden planks, planks -dried carpentry, joinery lumber 8-12%, oak, beech, maple, ash, alder, spruce, cherry, pine, larch -parquet blanks, blanks -vineyard orchards, pillars -prisms, prisms -beams, beams -laty, laths, laths -building lumber -export lumber. …
Saw. Sawmill production, wood production, sales: - construction lumber, lumber for carpenters - wooden beams, beams, battens. Wood cutting and impregnation. Delivery: -sawdust - wood for fireplaces. Carpentry, carpentry work: - complete delivery of roofs.
Dřevoprodej Jiří Hrůza is a supplier of building timber and joinery products in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. We provide flooring, building timber, lumber, OSB boards, prisms, boards, planks, thresholds, fences, saunas and log houses. We also specialize in the installation of decking, joinery and expert advice. Specialized store, retail, wholesale of selected goods, sale, consultancy,…
Wood center, delivery, sales: - wood material - spacers - Europrisms - construction lumber - joinery lumber - boards, flooring - industrial and other lumber - deliveries to industry - production - doors, wooden buildings
Wood center, delivery, sales: - wood material - spacers - Europrisms - construction lumber - joinery lumber - boards, flooring - industrial and other lumber - deliveries to industry - production - doors, wooden buildings
Výroba: - stavební řezivo. Řežeme krovy na míru dle projektové dokumentace. Specializujeme se na krovy a střešní vazby pro novostavby rodinných domů, rekonstrukce, komerční budovy a všechny typy střech.
Prodej, dodávka: - řezivo, dřevo - fošny, latě, hranoly, desky. Dodávka a montáž: - srubových a dřevěných domků (srubové a dřevěné domky), chaty, penziony, restaurace, altány - výrobky ze dřeva.
Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej: - stavební řezivo - OSB desky - dřevěné palubky, lišty - krovy, latě - palivové dříví - KVH hranoly - stavební chemie - nátěrové hmoty.
Work: - plumbing - roofing - high-rise rope. Delivery: - lumber - roof battens.
Cutting saw logs. Production, sale: -all construction lumber -constructive timber for trusses (we have a certificate) -wooden packaging-pallets, boxes, formwork including heat treatment (we own certificate) - wood briquettes We provide transportation of saw logs
Construction company, turnkey constructions. Sale: - building materials - fuel. Purchase, sale, processing: - beech lumber, prisms.
Prodej: - stavební materiál.
Výroba, prodej: - obkladové, podlahové palubky - venkovní terasové podlahy - plotové latě - řezivo.
The Martin Kocián company has many years of experience in the complete realization of roofs. We carry out roof reconstructions, laying coverings and we also deal with the sale and distribution of cheap roofing, gutter systems and sheet metal roofs. We provide a long-term guarantee for the work performed. Roofing, plumbing, carpentry work. Repairs, insulation, reconstruction of pitched, flat…
Development, production and sales: - steel containers - special interchangeable superstructures for trucks - steel constructions. Sawmill production: - sale of construction lumber - sale of joinery lumber by agreement.
Velkoobchod: - dřevo - stavební materiál - nátěrové hmoty.
Sale: - building materials, building material, lumber, iron, sand, gravel, handicraft supplies, tools, paints, fasteners, electrical material, ladders, briquettes. Tool rental, scaffolding. Delivery of waste collection containers. Transport.
Saw. Wood processing: - drying - cutting. Production: - carpentry lumber - construction lumber.
Services: - Jetpatcher bug fixes - rental of construction machinery - garden and park improvements - production, sale of construction lumber - sale and transport of firewood - syncrofalke, processor cable car. Construction work: - work on waterways, modification of riverbeds and weirs - gabions, reinforcement of slopes with retaining walls - construction and repair of roads -…
Saw. Cut: - wood. Grinding - saw blades, saws. Production: - construction timber, also stained - firewood - chopped, bark. Chopping lumber. Staining of wood. Transport
Pila: - pořez dřeva, dřevo, kulatiny na pásové pile. Výroba, dodávka, prodej: - stavební a stolařské řezivo.