ARNTZ CZ s.r.o.
Výroba, prodej, servis: -pilové kotouče -pilové pásy na kov -SK kotouče na kov a neželezné kovy -frikční pilové kotouče.
Výroba, prodej, servis: -pilové kotouče -pilové pásy na kov -SK kotouče na kov a neželezné kovy -frikční pilové kotouče.
Wholesale, retail, sales: - materials for furniture production - flat material - windowsills - kitchen tops - furniture and bed hardware - furniture components.
SALVATOR ROOFS is a reliable supplier of all materials and accessories for the construction and reconstruction of roofs. Visit our branch in Liberec, where you can choose from a wide range of quality roofing and materials for construction and reconstruction of roofs. Through a 12-branch sales network, it provides sales and distribution of roofing and accessories for flat and sloping roofs,…
SALVATOR ROOFS is a reliable supplier of all materials and accessories for the construction and reconstruction of roofs. Visit our branch in Pilsen, where you can choose from a wide range of quality roofing and materials for construction and reconstruction of roofs. Through a 12-branch sales network, it provides sales and distribution of roofing and accessories for flat and sloping roofs,…
TORNERO aluminum roofing is currently one of the most modern and high-quality products in the field of roofing in the Czech Republic. They stand out not only for their extraordinary appearance, but also for their lightness, thanks to the aluminum sheet of the high-quality Hydro brand, which is their basic material. Sheet metal flat roofs made of TORNERO roofing are the most advantageous choice…
Saw. Production, sale: - lumber. - nice. - carpenter's lumber. - decks.
Maloobchod, prodej: - dveře a okna - dřevotřískové tabule - desky stolů a kuchyňských linek - řezivo.
Stolařství, truhlářství. Výroba: -nábytek na zakázku: -kuchyňské linky -obývací stěny -dětské pokoje -ložnice -postele -stoly, stolky -poličky -botníky -atd -okna -dveře. Restaurování, restaurátorské práce: -historické okna, dveře, nábytek.
Wholesale trade, business activity: - plumbing material - heating material -building materials. Sale: - hot water and sludge circulation pumps. Establishments: -Kroměřiž, Na Hrázi 562 Phone: 573331632, 573333490 - Kromeriz, Velehradská 578 Phone: 573337274, 573339324.
Saw. Processing, cutting: - wood up to a diameter of 90 cm and a length of 12 m. Production: - lumber. Advice: - processing of plastics.
Comprehensive delivery and installation of roofing systems: -plumbing work: -folded roofs (titanium zinc, copper, aluminum, zinc, PVC*, sheets) -roofing work: - hard coverings - bags - shingles -cardboards -carpentry work: - installation and reconstruction of roofs.
Sale: - building material, building materials - heating systems - building iron - trailer rental.
Woodworking: - beech fries -parquet - milled and turned semi-finished products. Sale of wood: - log -beech lumber. Dryer, wood drying. Pressing: - ecological wooden briquettes.
Pila, pořez dřeva Prodej: - dřevěné konstrukce střech - truhlářské řezivo - desky, trámky - střešní latě - palety.
Woodworking: - construction lumber - packaging material - eco fuel.
Joinery. Production: - windows, Euro windows - The door - building timber - timber transport.
Pila. Pořez, prodej: -řezivo -dřevo -listnatá a jehličnatá kulatina -impregnace dřeva.
Dřevovýroba: - palety - nábytkové hranolky. Prodej, sušení: - řezivo. Prořezávání korun stromů.
Turnkey roof. Complete delivery, sale: -roof systems and accessories -roof coverings -plumbing products - sheets -templates -trapezes - wavy lines -cardboards - roof battens. Services: -plumbing and roofing work -cutting of coils to size - material delivery.
Dřevovýroba, dřevařské práce, pila: -pořez, řezání stavebního řeziva -hranoly všechny rozměry a typy -nařezaná prkna o síle 30cm -střešní latě všech rozměrů -možnost pořezu kulatiny dle Vašich požadavků -prodej palivové dříví-přijatelná cenová relace -prodej dřeva, rozměry dle objednávky, (dle projektové dokumentace) -dodávky dřeva pro stavební a truhlářské dílny, firmy. Zajištění,…
Production, sale: - pergolas, fences -dried lumber -wooden benches -handles. Saw.
Work: - carpentry, - plumbing, - roofing. Sale of lumber: - prisms - boards - beams. Construction: - trusses.
Wholesale, warehouse, sale: -wooden flat materials: -laminated fibreboard -work benches, MDF (medium-density fibres), edges -plywood -furniture fittings, hinges -window sill and floors -storehouse SMRECINA JSC Sololit and Sololak (hardboard, pegboard) -sale of KRONOSPAN - Jihlava products. Road freight transport, haulage - truck. Joinery - sizing of flat materials.