SBS-NET, s.r.o.
Sale - computers including accessories - servers - printers Warranty and post-warranty service - computers including accessories - servers - printers Creation - web presentations Management - computer networks
Sale - computers including accessories - servers - printers Warranty and post-warranty service - computers including accessories - servers - printers Creation - web presentations Management - computer networks
Dealerské audity Marketingová činnost pro autorizované dovozce vozidel Kompletní zajištění dovozu vozů do ČR (vozy CHEVROLET, MAZDA, OPEL, SAAB) Tvorba - internetové aplikace na podporu činnost iimportéra vozidel
Internetový marketing E - shopywebdesign
Www prezentacewebdesign Intranetové aplikace
Návrh a programování - webové aplikace Lektorská činnost - školení celá ČR
Stavba - výpočetní technika Připojení k internetu Tvorba - www stránky Záchrana a záloha - data
Design and assembly - custom computers Design, management, production - websites Advice - hardware - software Creation and management - data networks Training - computing.
Services: Installation and update of the Magento e-shop Magento adjustments and settings. Creation of the graphic design of the store. Development of specialized modules for Magento. Troubleshooting, optimizing and tuning performance. Migration of the old store to Magento. SEO - store optimization for search engines. E-shop service 24 hours / 7 days a week. Consultation and advice. …
Výroba - webové, internetové prezentace
SEO optimalizace pro vyhledávače Tvorba výroba - www stránky - internetové obchody Zajištění - webhosting - registrace domény
Výroba - videoprezentace Loga - firemní identita Výroba - outdoor reklamní videa Design - propagační materiálygrafické práce Tvorba - www stránky
Photographic services Filming of advertising spots Advertising agency, marketing. Creation: - logotypes Sale: - promotional stationery items, pendants, umbrellas Car decals, shop window production and sale: - advertising banners - exhibition expositions and stands Digital print: - leaflets - prospectuses - catalogues - business cards - calendars -…
Reklamní agentura Digitální tisk Ofsetový tisk - velkoplošný tisk Grafické studio Tvorba - www stránky
Offer of services, printing, creation of web pages and internet marketing
Webdesignvýroba - www stránky
E - shopyrealizace - webové stránky
Corporate design Grafické práce tištěná grafika SEO optimalizace Tvorba - www stránkywebdesign Webhosting - registrace do katalogů
Photography Logos Graphic designs - business cards - leaflets - posters - catalogues Internet marketing Creating a website
We founded Studio DuCLAIR at the end of 2005 in Prague to bring together several specialists from the fields of graphic design, web design, flash applications, 3D visualization, corporate identity, marketing and copywriting. Our interest is to offer quality services for printed and interactive corporate presentations and corporate identities. The basis of the name of our studio is the French…
E - shop - výpočetní technika E - shop - výpočetní technika Stavba, opravy a servis - výpočetní technika Tvorba - www stránky
Support, strategy and social networking Graphic work, web design Public relations Marketing comunication Market analysis.
Prodej, montáž - hardware Webdesign Webhosting
Greep s.r.o.- is a software company dealing with the creation of websites, e-shops and customized web applications.
Výroba - www stránky Školení - výpočetní technikakurzy - výpočetní technika MS WORD, MS EXCEL
Internet marketing - websites and applications - web design - web hosting.