Colis, s.r.o.
Services: - IT administration in the company, - remote surveillance, - audits - Web development. Delivery: - software, - hardware.
Services: - IT administration in the company, - remote surveillance, - audits - Web development. Delivery: - software, - hardware.
Advertising Agency Graphic designs - promotional items Organizing - sports event Graphic designs - printed matter Web design.
Logistics services. Mobile marketing. Creation of www and wap pages. We provide outsourcing.
Services: - web design. - internet applications.
Tvorba internetových aplikací
Public relations advertising agency Logotypes Billboard Printing - catalogues - leaflets - brochures - packaging - stickers, ... Graphic work - DTP studio Production - websites - internet applications, web design
Výroba - www stránky
Sales, e-shop: - computers, computer technology - Mobile Phones - photo - consumer electronics Services: - implementation and management of networks - outsourcing - website creation
Services: - communication services (ISDN, rental of data lines, microwave links, alternative voice services) - installation of security systems - design, delivery, service of structured cabling - web design, graphics - advertising, marketing - sound system for closed and open spaces Sales, repair, service: - computers - Mobile Phones - cameras
Bezdrátové připojení k internetu Webové stránky Webhosting
Repair, service, settings: - computers Website creation
Production - websites - internet applications, web design Hosting services Consultation - computing Installation and Administration - networks Training - website creation, web presentations and web applications
Services - IT administration - web design, web presentations, mobile applications Sale - computers, computer technology
Media agency Media campaigns on light screens. Advertising and media activity.
Services: - administration of servers, networks - Web applications - web hosting
Services - provider of telecommunications services - Internet Access - voice services - web hosting - web design - Data Backup Wholesale, retail, sales - computing - computers, PC sets, accessories - software
Advertising studio - DTP printed matter - vehicle stickers - sign - banners - promotional items - creation of www - exposure
Services: -marketers - corporate design - creation of internet presentations - creation of promotional materials - consulting and advisory activities
Services - graphic work - web design - marketing - advertising, promotion - printing
We deal with the creation of information systems for the complex management of investment companies and investment funds. We design and implement dynamic web presentations. We offer server and computer network management services. We provide designs and implementation of security solutions to ensure data protection. We provide outsourcing of IT services, implementation of IT security audits…
Photographic work Realization - advertising campaigns Creation - websites Organizing - action - press conferences - social gathering
Bazaar - computing - computer accessories Voice and data services Sale - computing - computer accessories Warranty and post-warranty service - computing - printer Providing - Internet connection Production - websites
Advertising Agency. Services: - web design. -graphic design. Production: -promotional materials.
Activity: - creation of websites and their design
Retail, Sales, Installation: - computing and office technology Services: - network management - web design - web hosting